Looking for a support group please

Hi there. I am fairly new (don't let join date fool you, DH imput me before I was ready to do this) Anyway, I could use a few friends to help me along the way.

I am a mother of 3, 2 girls 13 & 8 and a 3 year old boy. I stay at home & do daycare. I thought keeping up with the kids would be enough to keep the extra pounds away, but not so much. I am tired of feeling tired all the time. I need to lose 50lbs to be at my goal weight of 135.

My hubby is doing this with me, which is good. It is hard to eat better when someone else in the house is eating junk. The bad part is that the weight is just melting off of him. Bad for me, not him. Not that I want him to fail, I just would love it to be that easy for me as well. I lost 7 lbs, then just stopped. I am doing everything that I should, eating right at my calorie count, walking at a brisk pace for about an hour almost every night. Getting plenty of sleep. But I am stuck.

Hoping to find a few people who are in the same boat. I want to build a good, strong support system for each other.

Anyone interested?


  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    I know how you feel...I have lost 15 pounds and have been stuck for weeks now!!! It is so frustrating. I will send a friend request so feel free to add me, we can support each other. Good luck!!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi there i to could use a support system,i need to lose 11 -15 lbs. i will send a friend request
  • progressisbeautiful
    progressisbeautiful Posts: 17 Member
    Hey Girl. I sent you a friend invite. I'll join you. I was doing great for awhile, being consistent with what I ate. but then reality set in when I realized I was still drinking lots of sweet tea and lemonade. Too much sugar. I cut those out over the last three days and for the last two I have gone to bed with a headache. Looking forward to seeing some weight progress though.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I always say if something isn't working - have the courage to switch it up until you find something that DOES work.

    Our bodies get used to what we're doing very quickly. The key to keeping them moving in this journey is shocking them on a regular basis. I've heard a lot of people say calorie zig zagging works, I've found that circuit training vs just cardio has helped me. Making sure you're eating enough. So many people think that they HAVE to stay at 1200 calories to lose weight and a lot of them get back on here a few months later and have stopped losing. You HAVE to fuel your body to lose weight! It's a MUST! Eat to lose. Doesn't make sense, but it's how it goes!

    I've been really trying lately to vary my diet some - I'm such a stick in the mud when it comes to food. I've also been trying to switch up my gym routine just a little each time I go (even if it's something as simple as less treadmill and more machines or vice versa.. just something to keep it guessing!).

  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Gals, feel free to add me as a friend. One warning. I'm about give and take support on here, meaning I try to comment regularly on folks posts and I like to get some support back. If you can't do that, please don't add me.

    Best of luck..

    Couple tips... eat more some days. I have a weekly free day when I eat what I want. Eating exactly the same every day doesn't work. Push proteins and veggies and limit carbs to see a boost if you're stalled.

    Good luck!!!
  • Reefshark11
    Sounds like you could possibly be having a plateu effect (how ever you spell it). Either extend your workout time or push your self a little harder by picking up the pace. My wife had the same problem. She works out an hour on the treadmill everyday at a pace of 3 miles an hour. And in the beginning she was seeing results. Now she's not loosing anything. I myself have been picking up the pace a little here and there and I am happy to say that I have lost 20 lbs so far. and pay attention to what you eat. Some things are good for you but contain too many fat calories. So watch out for those sneaky health foods. Good luck!!