I Am STARVING!! Close to Maintenance. Is This Normal?



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited November 2015
    I get hungry when (1) my carbs are over 40% of my calories and (2) when it gets cold.

    You burn more when you're cold. Fat (nuts, for example) and protein seem to help that a lot.
    When I have too many refined carbs (40% isn't even close to low), my blood sugar tends to spike and I get really hungry. If you've lost that much weight (congratulations!) you may be sensitive to refined carbs and your body may overshoot the insulin it needs.

    When I get those macros in order I top being hungry.

    (And I do eat my exercise calories back.)
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    In addition to more protein, less junk, more fiber...perhaps you could try eating at maintenance for a week or two, then go back to a deficit? It might give your body and mind a chance to regroup.

    I tried that for about a week, that's when I gained the two pounds I'm still trying to re-lose. Then I did some research and found out that you normally gain 3 - 5 pounds when you go into maintenance, so you have to lose BELOW your goal weight so that when you go to maintenance and gain you'll end up AT your goal weight. So I'm working to get below my goal weight (130 lb) so I can go to maintenance. I've read that you should take diet "breaks," but I've never actually done it.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Holy crap, I just realized that I'm making a list of foods with their protein and fiber amounts, and I'm planning meals to make sure I get enough of each. That means I'm going to actually be looking at my macros seriously, not just a casual glance. I remember telling myself when I first started MFP that I'd never get to this point, it was only calories that mattered. What's happening to me!? :wink:
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    I get hungry when (1) my carbs are over 40% of my calories and (2) when it gets cold.

    You burn more when you're cold. Fat (nuts, for example) and protein seem to help that a lot.
    When I have too many refined carbs (40% isn't even close to low), my blood sugar tends to spike and I get really hungry. If you've lost that much weight (congratulations!) you may be sensitive to refined carbs and your body may overshoot the insulin it needs.

    When I get those macros in order I top being hungry.

    (And I do eat my exercise calories back.)

    Thank you. I just added carbs to my macros. It says I should be eating 192, but how do I know what % that is? I was raised on carbs (a meal is not a meal without mashed potatoes or pasta) so cutting back has been a big deal for me. I barely know how to make a meal without potatoes or pasta as a base, though I've been trying. I have noticed that I feel a lot better since I've been eating less carbs, but I thought it was just due to losing weight.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    I get hungry when (1) my carbs are over 40% of my calories and (2) when it gets cold.

    You burn more when you're cold. Fat (nuts, for example) and protein seem to help that a lot.
    When I have too many refined carbs (40% isn't even close to low), my blood sugar tends to spike and I get really hungry. If you've lost that much weight (congratulations!) you may be sensitive to refined carbs and your body may overshoot the insulin it needs.

    When I get those macros in order I top being hungry.

    (And I do eat my exercise calories back.)

    Oh, I see, over 40% of your calories! Okay, let me do some figuring.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    @pearso21123 If you have never altered your macros in your goal setting you will be set to 50% carb, 30% fat, and 20%protien.
    These percentages are stationary, so if you vary your intake daily by adding in exercise the gram amounts will go up to stay a percentage of the upped calories.

    You can alter your macro percentages if you wish. Just go to goals and put in your preferred numbers.

    Great thread OP and contributers, a pleasure to read.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited November 2015
    Only thing to add since no one answer your point - yes, take diet breaks. If you've been dieting for 9 months straight, going to maintenance for a few weeks to a month will be beneficial on bringing hormonal levels back to normal and managing hunger, sanity and satiety.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    What kinds of foods are you eating now? If you are eating higher simple carbs or sweets you are going to have a drop in blood sugar afterwards that causes you to be hungry.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    I get hungry when (1) my carbs are over 40% of my calories and (2) when it gets cold.

    You burn more when you're cold. Fat (nuts, for example) and protein seem to help that a lot.
    When I have too many refined carbs (40% isn't even close to low), my blood sugar tends to spike and I get really hungry. If you've lost that much weight (congratulations!) you may be sensitive to refined carbs and your body may overshoot the insulin it needs.

    When I get those macros in order I top being hungry.

    (And I do eat my exercise calories back.)

    Thank you. I just added carbs to my macros. It says I should be eating 192, but how do I know what % that is? I was raised on carbs (a meal is not a meal without mashed potatoes or pasta) so cutting back has been a big deal for me. I barely know how to make a meal without potatoes or pasta as a base, though I've been trying. I have noticed that I feel a lot better since I've been eating less carbs, but I thought it was just due to losing weight.

    I still have carbs at most meal. The key is moderation. I pretty much follow the half plate of veggies, 1/4 protein and 1/4 carbs rule. So less carbs, more veggies.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Too many carbs - they keep you hungry! Cut'em!! (below 120/day, below 100 even better)
  • amyf2000
    amyf2000 Posts: 44 Member
    This happened to me. People on mfp told me I was eating too many carbs and too much processed food and not enough protein and fiber. I subbed most sweets for fruit and started eating huge salads. Huge, just greens. Padded them with fresh cabbage. I also cut down on carbs and upped my protein - eggs, roasted chicken, tuna, yogurt. And it worked! I'm eating fewer calories and feeling fuller than ever! But I'm also going to the grocery store 3x a week, lol.
  • nlroundabout
    nlroundabout Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with posters on diet breaks and investigating more protein. You can't go around hangry - that's not going to work in the long run.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    amyf2000 wrote: »
    This happened to me. People on mfp told me I was eating too many carbs and too much processed food and not enough protein and fiber. I subbed most sweets for fruit and started eating huge salads. Huge, just greens. Padded them with fresh cabbage. I also cut down on carbs and upped my protein - eggs, roasted chicken, tuna, yogurt. And it worked! I'm eating fewer calories and feeling fuller than ever! But I'm also going to the grocery store 3x a week, lol.

    I ran to Meijer last night on my way home from work and stocked up on fresh veggies, but they just don't last long in the fridge. I'm envisioning lots more grocery runs for me, too. I miss my garden.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    @pearso21123 If you have never altered your macros in your goal setting you will be set to 50% carb, 30% fat, and 20%protien.
    These percentages are stationary, so if you vary your intake daily by adding in exercise the gram amounts will go up to stay a percentage of the upped calories.

    You can alter your macro percentages if you wish. Just go to goals and put in your preferred numbers.

    Great thread OP and contributers, a pleasure to read.

    Thank you! I just changed carbs to 40% and protein to 30%. I guess I'll go from there and see what happens.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Only thing to add since no one answer your point - yes, take diet breaks. If you've been dieting for 9 months straight, going to maintenance for a few weeks to a month will be beneficial on bringing hormonal levels back to normal and managing hunger, sanity and satiety.

    But then I'm going to gain 3 - 5 lbs!! I've worked so hard to lose the weight, I don't want to see the scale go back up. Arghh!!- I hate you, scale. We were friends for such a long time, but I just don't know if you meet my needs anymore.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Okay, just from my experience today, protein is easy but fiber is HARD! (I was in the red on protein until I changed my goal to 30% instead of 20%). I think refried beans may be my new best friend. You have opened up a whole new challenge for me. Before, it was just what foods have the lowest calories. Now, it's what foods have reasonable calories while meeting my fiber and protein goals. In one day, two foods have gone from my DO NOT EAT list to the top of my list of things to eat (cottage cheese and refried beans). Now, the challenge is to find foods that pack the most bang for the calories.

    Is it cheating if I eat a fiber bar? Is all fiber created equal?
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Alright, well, I went back too but there's no way cereal and milk would keep me full longer than one hour in the morning, lol.

    Then there's a severe lack of veggies. Try to get your 5 servings a day (I often get 8 or 9). And still too many carbs, not enough protein.

    I suggest you start cooking instead of relying on convenience food.

    I'm the same way with oatmeal. I love it but it's like eating air. Cereal generally only works for me in the summer. Once it gets cold, it's not enough anymore.
  • amymc70
    amymc70 Posts: 3 Member
    I wish I could "like" your comments on here, such great advice, I'll keep these in mind myself!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Thank you, everybody. I just went back and reviewed my diary, and holy cow! I didn't realize I'd let that much fast food sneak back into my life! No wonder I've been so hungry. I thought I was doing really well with all of the home cooking I've been doing. I hate to cook and have learned a lot of new recipes over the summer, and have added in a lot more veggies than in the past, but obviously I still have a ways to go.

    So, to summarize what you've helped me to realize, though it should have been obvious:
    • More protein
    • Less carbs
    • Less junk and fast food overall (duh! Why didn't I think of that myself)
    • More fiber
    • More veggies

    Now I need to go make a list of the foods I should be eating and tape copies on the stove, the refrigerator, and on my computer at work.

    Note to self: Get back on track and quit screwing around!

    And, as my way of apology for asking such a stupid question, I am having a can of tuna for dinner. Partly because that's all the calories I have left, and partly because Protein.

    The best tip I've learned through all this, is to keep it simple...if you can throw five ingredients into a crockpot or casserole, throw in some spices and coconut oil, and let it cook....you'll make your prep time nice and easy...Some days I'll throw in chicken thighs, rice, beans, crushed tomatoes....other days, beef, broccoli, onions, tomato or pepper or both....by doing it like this, you're ensuring you come close to getting your macros goals met, you aren't starving, you could possibly make enough for two days (I do that at least twice a week), AND you are eating way healthier. Don't think of all this as stupid, it's not...there's learning curves, and everyone's experience is different. DON"T just eat a can of tuna!! Your body wants balance! If anything, please throw that tuna on some salad or in with some pasta and tomatos..if you go over, that's ok, you'll still continue losing AND you won't be famished at 7 pm ...Good luck! xo
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    amyf2000 wrote: »
    This happened to me. People on mfp told me I was eating too many carbs and too much processed food and not enough protein and fiber. I subbed most sweets for fruit and started eating huge salads. Huge, just greens. Padded them with fresh cabbage. I also cut down on carbs and upped my protein - eggs, roasted chicken, tuna, yogurt. And it worked! I'm eating fewer calories and feeling fuller than ever! But I'm also going to the grocery store 3x a week, lol.

    I ran to Meijer last night on my way home from work and stocked up on fresh veggies, but they just don't last long in the fridge. I'm envisioning lots more grocery runs for me, too. I miss my garden.

    You can freeze your veggies too! (I love my garden too, season's over and the veggie mart just loves me again!)