
jnettiedotson Posts: 163
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone ever take it, and what's your experience with it?

Let me add ...

I've taken it in the past, had some good results, but always gained the weight back plus more. I have a prescription now, but am hesitant to take it. I know I'm in for the change this time, so that's not the problem....the problem is, the mood it puts me in. I really hate myself when I take them things when I start crashing, I am the biggest ***** you have ever met. They also depress me, which I've read is a side effect. Not sure if it will effect me the same this time, but I just don't know if I'm willing to try.


  • I have and had goood results but put weight back on then tried it a few years later and didn't work as well for me that time. Need to be careful with it. Hope that helps:smile:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Essentially, it's legalized speed and not great for the heart. It will reduce your appetite. You can't take it for long though, and generally it doesn't teach what you need to know to lose weight and keep it off. Your appetite goes back to normal afterwards.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Best just to eat right and exercise. Most of these weight loss pills and drinks will help take weight off, but as said above-it comes right back once you are off it.
  • ...
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Why not try 2 weeks of a good diet and some walking? No health risks in that, and I bet you'll lose a couple of pounds. And that sure helps me when I get depressed :smile:
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    it's a doctor prescribed pill that reduces your appetite to almost nothing. You'll still get hungry, but three bites into food you're full. I got a months worth of it two years ago and lost 15 lbs in a month. I didn't gain it back but continued to exercise and eat right after. It just jumped started it. It does make you feel a little anxious and affect your sleep a little.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I did lose weight but go to where I was only sleeping 2-3 hours a night after being on it for 6 months. I stopped taking it and gained some weight back but not all of it.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I'm not a pill person, but I'm especially leery of anything you HAVE to stop taking after 30 days! Used to be on a weight loss support site that was mainly designed for people on this and the possible side effects were terrifying to me! I'll take the slow way!
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    Took them for 6months,,soon as I quit the weight came back fast,,,this time around my Dr offered them to me and I turned them down,,,with the pills your just not hungry so you don't eat and don't change your life style of eating and exercise...I lost 45lbs on the pills and gained 45+25 back in less than 8 months,,,with MFP I have lost 22lbs in 3 1/2 months and feel so much better,,with healthy eating and exercise you can do it too..
    Not to mention all the side effects of diet pills...
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ive taken it three times WHen I was 18 (and borderline Type 2 diabetic) Right after I had my son (couldnt breastfeed for other reasons so nothing was stopping me) And When I started my latest weight loss journey

    Time #1 Great results. Dropped 60 lbs in 3 months. It took me 3 years and a pregnancy to gain it back (not too shabby considering some people stop calorie counting and gain back instantly too!)

    Time #2 Lost 15 lbs because I was a brand new single mom working 50 hours a week and sleeping 4 hours a night. I ate less but I still ate crap. This I gained back quickly. I also wasnt consistent about taking the pills

    Time #3 45lbs gone in 3 months (including 2 illnesses where all I could really eat was icecream) during this round I made a concerted effort to not only eat less but to change what I was eating and increas my activity level. Due to research don in the 3 year span between this and Time 1 I was also weaned off the drugs instead of stopping cold turkey. Since Stopping I have continued to LOSE an additional 16 lbs. Given much slower but because I over came the psychological aspects while on phentermine and learned good habits I have CONTINUED TO LOSE AFTER STOPPING PHENTERMINE.

    There are some pretty decent side-effects so I ONLY recommend going through a physician with a superb reputation and preferrably one that specializes in women (My prescriber is an OBGYN who specializes in fertility issues) The worst ones are Increased BP (aka why its called legal speed) Kidney problems and constipation. Your physician should run blood test prior to prescribing if you ahvent had any in the last 6 months. You should go in monthly at a minimum to be checked and get a new script (though legally it can now be prescribed in 3 month increments) You should not take it longer then 3-4 months. Alot of physician now practice cycling with this medication where you take it for a month, off for 2 weeks, then start again. This also tells them if you are changing your eating habits based on how much you gain in that interum. Please note these side effects are common with other drugs as well (non diet) You will have to drink ALOT of water.


    Some people (including a cousin of mine) need a jump start to get them going on their weight loss, some have incredibly slow metabolisms, need to drop 20 lbs quickly to avoid diabetes then continu losing, or (the worst but be it best at the same time reason) lack of will power though they have the desire.

    Weight loss is as much mental as it is a physical barrier.

    Phentermine, or pills in general, are highly discouraged on here so be prepared for some hate.

    Though as I like to point out, the temporary side-effects for some are well worth the reduced chance of so many other health issues
  • Ive taken it three times WHen I was 18 (and borderline Type 2 diabetic) Right after I had my son (couldnt breastfeed for other reasons so nothing was stopping me) And When I started my latest weight loss journey

    Time #1 Great results. Dropped 60 lbs in 3 months. It took me 3 years and a pregnancy to gain it back (not too shabby considering some people stop calorie counting and gain back instantly too!)

    Time #2 Lost 15 lbs because I was a brand new single mom working 50 hours a week and sleeping 4 hours a night. I ate less but I still ate crap. This I gained back quickly. I also wasnt consistent about taking the pills

    Time #3 45lbs gone in 3 months (including 2 illnesses where all I could really eat was icecream) during this round I made a concerted effort to not only eat less but to change what I was eating and increas my activity level. Due to research don in the 3 year span between this and Time 1 I was also weaned off the drugs instead of stopping cold turkey. Since Stopping I have continued to LOSE an additional 16 lbs. Given much slower but because I over came the psychological aspects while on phentermine and learned good habits I have CONTINUED TO LOSE AFTER STOPPING PHENTERMINE.

    There are some pretty decent side-effects so I ONLY recommend going through a physician with a superb reputation and preferrably one that specializes in women (My prescriber is an OBGYN who specializes in fertility issues) The worst ones are Increased BP (aka why its called legal speed) Kidney problems and constipation. Your physician should run blood test prior to prescribing if you ahvent had any in the last 6 months. You should go in monthly at a minimum to be checked and get a new script (though legally it can now be prescribed in 3 month increments) You should not take it longer then 3-4 months. Alot of physician now practice cycling with this medication where you take it for a month, off for 2 weeks, then start again. This also tells them if you are changing your eating habits based on how much you gain in that interum. Please note these side effects are common with other drugs as well (non diet) You will have to drink ALOT of water.


    Some people (including a cousin of mine) need a jump start to get them going on their weight loss, some have incredibly slow metabolisms, need to drop 20 lbs quickly to avoid diabetes then continu losing, or (the worst but be it best at the same time reason) lack of will power though they have the desire.

    Weight loss is as much mental as it is a physical barrier.

    Phentermine, or pills in general, are highly discouraged on here so be prepared for some hate.

    Though as I like to point out, the temporary side-effects for some are well worth the reduced chance of so many other health issues

    I did get it from my ob/gyn...months ago, but haven't taken it yet because of my past experience. No, wait, I lied, I did take it a couple times. I don't really care if people have a problem with it, it's my choice and I didn't come on here to be judged, just for support...and like I said, I'm debating.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I took it for 4 months and lost 30 lbs. However, I had to come off them bc I couldn't SLEEP! I was exhausted all the time, it was ridiculous. Only getting about 3 hrs of sleep a night. When I came off them, even though I continued to not eat "awfully", I gained back all 30 plus 25 in 6 months. I HIGHLY advise against taking them... :noway:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    I've taken it in the past, had some good results, but always gained the weight back plus more. I have a prescription now, but am hesitant to take it. I know I'm in for the change this time, so that's not the problem....the problem is, the mood it puts me in. I really hate myself when I take them things when I start crashing, I am the biggest ***** you have ever met. They also depress me, which I've read is a side effect. Not sure if it will effect me the same this time, but I just don't know if I'm willing to try.

    if it had this effect on you before it will again.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    They aren't legal in the UK which would put me off straight away. Messing with sleep will help you hold on to weight too.

    Quick fixes are rarely fixes unfortunately.
  • lizzy2250
    lizzy2250 Posts: 4
    Two years ago, I started taking it and had very good results. I lost 74 lbs over a period of one year. I had unbelieveable energy. Definitely had to drink lots of water. I have been off of it for a year now and I am slowly gaining the weight back. I have been thinking about going back on phentermine as well. Trying to lose weight the natural way has not been very successful for me. When I was taking the pill, I had the drive to workout hard and watch my calories. I didn't have the cravings when I was taking the pill either. I did seem seem to be more hungry when taking the pill and the doctor told me to cut the pills in half and take one half in the morning and the other half in the afternoon and that seemed to help. Trying to lose weight and keeping it off can be so frustrating at times.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Anyone ever take it, and what's your experience with it?

    Let me add ...

    I've taken it in the past, had some good results, but always gained the weight back plus more. I have a prescription now, but am hesitant to take it. I know I'm in for the change this time, so that's not the problem....the problem is, the mood it puts me in. I really hate myself when I take them things when I start crashing, I am the biggest ***** you have ever met. They also depress me, which I've read is a side effect. Not sure if it will effect me the same this time, but I just don't know if I'm willing to try.

    Is all that you listed, plus the potential side effects listed on the drug itself really worth the short cut? Appetite suppresants are all well and good but if you don't learn to eat right without them I don't see how you would not gain it back once you stop.
  • KQmom
    KQmom Posts: 29 Member
    I took it once and went on a job interview... not a good idea. Besides being a nervous blubbering fool, I had the sweatiest armpit stains I have ever seen on a human! I mean dripping down to my waist! YUCK!!! That's the last time I took it :)
  • elsapm
    elsapm Posts: 51 Member
    I took it and lost 25 pounds in about 3 months (SW was 198lbs) I was also excerising 4 days a week with Cardio kickboxing and Zumba. You can only take it for a short period of time and when I went to go back on it, it never worked again. It completely blocked my appetite, but I had a lot of side effects: dry mouth, mood instabiliity, jittery, rapid heartbeat.
    PLUS...over time, I gained almost all the weight back. :(

    It is a quick fix...but like all other quick isn't a permanent solution and in the end is a waste of money.

    That said...IF you choose to use it and during that period you suppress you appetite as an aid to relearn (permanent) healthy eating and excercise habits that you can stick with indefinitely then it might be helpful. However...if you overeat for emotional reasons...this will not help you fix that.

    In the does work (temporarily) but after taking it myself...I wouldn't recommend it
  • I took it once and went on a job interview... not a good idea. Besides being a nervous blubbering fool, I had the sweatiest armpit stains I have ever seen on a human! I mean dripping down to my waist! YUCK!!! That's the last time I took it :)

    LOL girl, thanks for the laugh....but if my memory serves me right (how lame that I just said that, LOL) that's not the worst thing that's happened to you on Phentermine! It is really bad, so easy, but so bad! Phentermine and me have a def love hate relationship, LOL. I think my prescription will just sit there....I am having fun doing this without the mood swings and I have the energy I been looking for anyway :)
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    My husband and I are both on it. After 3 months we have lost a combined 85 pounds. I am only taking 1/2 a pill. The first week I stayed up an hour later than ususal but now my schedule is normal. We have changed our eating habits and have started a work out routine. I don't think we would have the same results if we hadn't changed what we are eating. We both want this to be a lifestyle change not a quick fix.

    If you are worried about side effects I suggest taking 1/2 a dose. It takes away the bored cravings but I still eat regularly. It's not an easy decsion. My weight was closing in on 400lbs. This is my last chance toavoid surgury, so I am committed to change.
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