Ankle tendonitis

I have really terrible ankle tendonitis and I am hoping that someone has some suggestions for me. I want to run but I cant because I end up in crippling pain and swelling which goes away after I sit down. I can do eliptical and swim but even areobics are a problem and treadmills are the absolute worst! Open to any advice I am thinking of going to a podiatrist I have a referral but I know it is going to cost a fortune!


  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    try the pool, it is easier on legs
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    I badly sprained my foot in January this year and there are things I still cant do. Doc told me it may never heal 100%..
    When working out I do what I can and stop when it bothers me. I cant walk too much due to the pain and swelling...
    Wish there was something that would fix our foot issue...
    I also wear high top sneakers that does help a bit...
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    have you tried shoe inserts or different types of shoes? this helps for plantar facitis...may help your ankle some
  • mhadams2668
    mhadams2668 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks I am thinking of going to a running store and buying shoes.
  • princessjaffacakes
    I've had on and off ankle issues for the past couple of years after tearing some ligaments a while back.

    I'd defiantely recommend getting shoes fitted at a specialist running shop, they will understand what support your ankle needs and you may be surprised... my 'bad' ankle was actually over-pronating (rolling) less than my 'good' leg!

    I'd say it may take a couple of weeks to adjust to the new shoes, as muscles in the rest of your leg will suddenly have to re-adjust as your ankle position alters (to support it).

    Definately RICE it up when it flares up (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) - I found blasting my ankle with cold water in the shower post-gym helped reduce swelling, as well as using a tubigrip for support.

    And most of all, listen to your body and don't push yourself - I understand how frustrating it is and really hope you manage to ease the pain a bit. Certainly would recommend a specialist, I was left without physio for 12 months after my injury and when I finally pushed the dr into referring me, the phsyio was amazed, and said most of the damage could have been eased months ago.

    Good luck!
  • mhadams2668
    mhadams2668 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks so much! It really is frustrating I can do the elliptical and I went to a personal trainer today and she was amazed what i could do at my weight on an eliptical ..I know if I could run this weight would peel!
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, I recently had an MRI for the same issue, was diagnosed as having Posterior Tibial Tendinosis. Treatment course: inserts, no walking for exercise. Swimming and non-weight bearing are okay. The ortho. dr. said this is how it is for the rest of my life. I am following his advice for the time being, but am exploring other alternatives such as laser treatment. If anyone has experience with laser treatments for tendonitis in the ankle, I'd like to hear if it helped. These treatments are not cheap and not covered by insurance. Supposedly, the treatments should start working after a few visits and a few hundred dollars.
  • jackhon
    jackhon Posts: 1 Member
    You are probably runing too much, too quick. Do lots of stretching and some strength work - that helps a lot.

    Try to cross train a little, cycling and swimming is less punishing. I used to run a lot - 40-50km a week but I busted my achilles, MCL, meniscus and ilio bands - it is terribly punishing. Stretching and strength work would help but if you are pounding your legs on tarmac or stones, it will break sooner or later.