Friends wanted. 40 and fat!!!

Hi I just started but am a life long dieter. I used to be so good at losing and maintaining weight. I've had 3 kids and am 40 and am close to 250 (I'm afraid to weigh myself). I can't understand why eating right has become nearly impossible. I think food has become my crutch, my addiction and I'm afraid I can't stop spiraling. I would love and help and friends that are moms in their 30-50's that are going through or have been through the same thing and can provide me with tips and motivation. Thanks so much in advance


  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    Hi, I'm a 42 year old mum of a 9 year old. I can only imagine how challenging it must be to have 3 kids and find time to do this so feel free to add me for support
  • manjezimmer
    manjezimmer Posts: 2 Member
    I am 41 and have three school aged children that keep me busy. I can't loose a decent amount of weight for crap. I do have insulin resistance/pre-diabetic. I am on Metformin and just started Tanzeum this week to aid in weight loss hopefully. My main problem is excersise. I am a lunch lady during the day, so I feel like I have worked out and don't feel like excersising after. I also need to watch sugar/carbs. I cheat often. I say well I am not diabetic soooooo. That right says it all.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Great news-all thats needed to lose, is a caloric deficit. MFP makes it easy, as once you've entered your stats and goals, the deficit is built in. Follow those caloric recommendations and you'll lose weight.
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    I just turned 40 mom and house wife, all my kids r out of the house, I've been doing LCHF for 7 weeks and lost 18 lbs, welcome any friends with open diaries!
  • mackaylc
    mackaylc Posts: 22 Member
    I'm almost 40, and have two kids and also am a life long dieter. I am going to add you, I think having more friends will help with motivation :)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    I'm 43 and have 2 teenage boys. I'm also a life long dieter, I can loose the weight but never manage to stick at maintenance. Ive done to many crazy diets in the past but this diet just feels so easy. Please feel free to add me
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi there KMI175,

    I'm 41 with 2 kids (11 & 13), I can't even blame my weight on having the kids as I was at my lightest 6 months after the youngest was born! Fast forward 10 years and 18kg! I decided I had to do something about it when I didn't want to go up *another* dress size because all my clothes were too tight (again)! Slowly getting it under control but still have 12kg to go to reach my "6-months-post-baby" weight again.

    Feel free to add me. My diary is set at 1600 cals a day and I login pretty much every day unless I'm on holiday.

  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 44 and a mom of 2 (ages 10 and 6) and I know exactly how you feel! I know why I'm too heavy, though - food. Too much of it, and too much of the wrong kind. It's soooo hard to stick with something when you're a busy mom (whether a mom who stays at home or who works outside the home, I think it's got to be hard either way). I want to lose about 60 pounds. I just started a new program last week and am down 3 so far. Whoo!! Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • beahz1
    beahz1 Posts: 69 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Welcome to MFP! Great news-all thats needed to lose, is a caloric deficit. MFP makes it easy, as once you've entered your stats and goals, the deficit is built in. Follow those caloric recommendations and you'll lose weight.

    What is a calorie deficit
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    beahz1 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Welcome to MFP! Great news-all thats needed to lose, is a caloric deficit. MFP makes it easy, as once you've entered your stats and goals, the deficit is built in. Follow those caloric recommendations and you'll lose weight.

    What is a calorie deficit

    Eating fewer calories than you burn in a day. Your body has a BMR (basal metabolic rate) which is how many calories you burn just by being alive, as if you never got out of bed at all. Then there is your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) which is all the calories you burn in a day - the BMR, plus moving about, cleaning, working, exercising, et cetera. that is the total calories you burn in a day. You need to eat fewer calories than that to lose weight.
    MFP calculates this for you when you enter in your stats and tell it your activity level (sedentary, lightly active, active, et cetera) and then your weight loss goals (0.5-2 lbs). MFP calculates the deficit for you and tells you how many calories you should be eating each day.

    For more helpful information read this:
  • deebellie
    deebellie Posts: 1 Member
    41 years l Want to lead a healthier life. Mother of an 8 yr old with lots of energy. I never really have gave my all to eating healthier and exercise , I am ready. :#
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited November 2015
    @mccindy72 & @beahz1 MFP will calculate your NEAT not your TDEE.

    BMR= basic metabolic rate, the calories needed to stay alive with no activity.

    NEAT= Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis.
    NEAT=BMR + daily activity, you add the calories burnt through purposeful exercise to your MFP goal,

    TDEE= Total Daily Energy Expendature.
    TDEE= NEAT (see above) + purposeful exercise. You have to use an external calculator and manually enter the calorie recommendation into MFP, overriding MFP's calorie recommendation.

    The calorie deficit, eating more than you use in a day, is adjusted by MFP when you enter how much weight you would like to lose. You therefore eat all the calories MFP tells you to.
    If you exercise, you enter the exercise into MFP, then eat back 50-75% of those calories (MFP tends to overestimate).

    It is important to eat back exercise calories, you body needs fuel to exercise.

    Cheers, h.
  • lemonaid7
    lemonaid7 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi I'm 45 & have 2 daughters (ages 9 & 12) I've been working on weight loss for about 8 months on MFP and have lost 22lbs, working on losing 25 more!! friend me
  • myoung15523
    myoung15523 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I am almost 40, have 3 children (who are now grown up) and I am also a life long dieter, I have been on MFP for 4 weeks now and have followed the calorie deficit approach and it works, I am learning to have a much healthier approach and attitude towards nutrition and I am finding it easy to make healthy life choices. The support from my virtual friends is invaluable, I am now looking forward to healthier 40's. Good luck and I look forward to watching your journey unfold