for a little support

danianya Posts: 10 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my names Dani.
I've been trying to get fit and healthy since stopping smoking two years ago. I love to run but find the gym just too confined for me. I'm looking for a few friends on this site my iphone app. Everyone i know moans about their weight but no one actually wants to work at it. I do and i love to hear the challenges and success's of people around me doing it their way as well. The only thing i never lie to about what i do in my day is my calorie counter lol
So if want to share some bad and good times feel free to add me


  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    Dani - I am very intimidated by your photo - I HATE snakes. I am very impressed with your ability to stop smoking. I have not been able to achieve that yet. I'm taking one battle at a time I guess. I have been on my journey since October and have recently started weight training and I really love it. I'd like to swap stories! I need motivation from time to time and I get it from helping motivate others. Look for my request!

  • danianya
    danianya Posts: 10 Member
    Hey thats my baby snake Trevor. I got him as a 30th pressy of the husband and while i completely understand people hating them hes my baby, but i promise never to share his feeding habits with you :wink:
    I managed to stop smoking by using the tablets (Champix) but then i gained weight. I was trying so hard not to smoke and so proud of myself for sticking to it that i started eating instead. I honestly think the drs should be up front about it and weigh you at the no smoking clinic as well as checking your monozide levels.
    So i tried everything and couldn't stick at it all until i found running.
    Now i run whenever i'm stressed or just need to get out. I also LOVE the myfitnesspal app its the one thing i never lie too even when i want to lol. You gotta be true to your self at least right? But i never came on the website before tonight. I can't believe how many people are on here just supporting and helping others i think its great. The amount of my friends the whine and moan about getting larger but no one wants to take a stand and make a change. So hopefully i'll get motivation from the peps on here.
    I like to weight train a little as well though. I have a jillian micheals app on my phone thats her doing lots of small weight and body exercises for those days i want to watch Judge judy but not miss out on a session.
    Anyhow thats my small introduction thanks for replying to my post support is always welcome x
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    That picture is SO MUCH BETTER! I understand about the weight gain after quitting smoking. I think that's why I have yet to quit. (CRINGE) I'll get there - it's just not a priority at this moment. I am not a runner either - I try on the treadmill and periodically in the street, I just don't care for it. I use the cross-trainer at the gym and the stair climber I burn mass calories on those things and feel great afterwards. I read today that cardio mixed with weight training is detrimental. I am off to the gym tonight (I missed my morning workout) and I will not do any cardio - just straight strength training. I'll let you know if that helps any. I weigh in again tomorrow - we shall see.

    I had forgotten about this site - a friend referred me to it over a year ago and I created an account, but never used it. I have been on the website because I have a very good friend who competes in national tournaments and she referred me to it for workouts. It's a good site for developing differentr workouts - but it doesn't tell you how many calories you burn. That's the bonus of this site - assuming the workout is in the database.

    About my picture - LOL - I'm in Louisiana and we love Mardi Gras. I'm part of a Krewe and this was parade day! My daughter likes this picture and she picked it for my avitar! And thank you - I don't want to know what your snake eats...we have gators and snakes here too - but I stay clear!

    It's great to connect!! Stay in touch.
  • danianya
    danianya Posts: 10 Member
    I think thats the real trouble with working out theres always an article for it and one against. So do you hope to build serious contender muscles down the line or just tone?
    How old your daughter? Mines 9 and my boy is 11 and they were my big motivation. Jared's on every club and team under the sun and Anya's a 9 hr a week gymnast. Then this year they both tried out for cross country so once a week we go running together. I find it amazing how much more they say to me outside the four walls of the house.
    I love your pic you look fantastic!! Unfortunately i'm in the uk and things like mardi gras would quickly turn into a riot i think sometimes we're a nation of people who feel so bad when they enjoy themselves they have to ruin in or die trying. My moms over in the usa visiting friends at the mo.
    I heard your portoins sizes over there are massive? thats one thing i really struggle with sizes, portoins and the correct ones to suit my diet. I may have a look on the bodybuilding site later. Have an awesome day
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