Attention all!?!? Embarassing pics =(

acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
My daughter will be 2 in a few weeks. and yet I still have that saggy stretched out pooch that looks like a deflated balloon....
I feel like I wouldn't be as concerned about my weight ( I really am not that bad of a size) if my stomach didn't look like it did.
I've tried a gazillion situps and other various core exercises, eating healthier and more and nothing seems to help. I know alot of people say it can't be completely gone without surgery but i've seen woman turned their stomachs around without it.

Just curious if there's any other moms out there who changed their stomach around and have pointers?

Deleted the pictures...couldn't stand seeing my stomach out there =(


  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I've heard once you start nearing your goal weight is when this will change... I know its frustrating, just keep doing what you are and soon enough it'll happen! I still have about 20 pounds to hit my goal, and am in the same situation you are, only I'm a bit bigger then you.

    good luck, I hope you get some great answers!
  • AdoreZel
    AdoreZel Posts: 63
    My tummy looks the exact same way. I need some advice also. You're not alone :)
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I've never been pregnant...but have you waited a year to see how things go back? I hear that it takes at least a year for the skin to adjust and start to go back.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Ahhh, I'm sorry, it looks like I didn't read your post's been 2 years.
  • Amers85
    Amers85 Posts: 31 Member
    My tummy looks exactly the same but I have no idea how to fix it. I will be watching this for sure. Thanks for posting and sorry I don't have any advice.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    mine looked WAAAYYYY worse than that. i use palmers firming butter on mine and it's getting a lot better.
  • Mine looks like that at the bottom, too. My doctor told me that it first of all depends on if you had a c-section or not. I did personally, and she told me that since they cut the muscles, they may not tone as well as they used to. It also just depends on every person specifically. Either way, you're a beautiful woman. Good luck, and I hope you find a solution that works. :)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    When I think of post-pregnancy fitness I think of MFP user domestica

    You might wanna have a chat with her!

    here's her blog :

    I do think a lot of it is genetics though. You're beautiful girly
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    My daughter will be 8 this year....I'm 26 and have never been overweight. My stomach is horrid! I went from 85 to 120 when pregnant (I'm not even 5 feet tall and thin framed). I was all out front....if you looked at me from behind you wouldn't have known I was pregnant.

    It's genetics if you get stretchmarks or not. I got them did my mom and grandma. It's hereditary. My skin is still really loose and according to my trainer, my doctor, and my brother who is a body builder...nothing short of a tummy tuck will help me.

    Also...because I was so abs actually split down the that makes my pooch a bit bigger than the average woman, ugh.
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    I've found since starting Hip Hop Abs that I have less of a pooch, I still have two weeks to go so I think it will go a long way towards correcting it.
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    i didnt see the picture but i bet it looks like mine - my youngest is coming up to 2 (eldest is 3) but it is getting better dunnno whether the "apron" will ever go because my skin is ruined by stretchmarks but hopefully it will reduce.

    i however havent ruled out surgery when i'm down to my target weight and have kept that way for an extended period.
  • I am losing weight from my fifth child, born in March. I have gained anywhere from 29 to 70 pounds during my pregnancies, and have always lost all the weight, even more sometimes. I have found that the skin around my tummy is a bit loose, but pretty flat. I have walked for exercise (outdoors weather and time permitting and indoors to Leslie Sansone), some abs from time to time (Prevention's Belly, Butt, and Thighs), and I have eaten well (I have done Weight Watchers, a vegan diet plan, and now this). To decrease bloating, I drink a lot of water and try to eat plenty of fiber--definitely helps with how the tummy looks! I have friends with the same and more children than me who look great without surgery. I know it is possible, but I think a lot depends on genetics, too. By the way, I am 38, so age does not need to be a factor in weight loss after pregnancies. I too have had the splitting of the ab muscles, but with time it has gotten back to normal.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Age isn't a factor in weight loss but it is usually a factor in skin elasticity, which deteriorates with age... but some of that is genetic and some are simply luckier than others.

    Generally the skin of a 23 year old mum will stretch back better than the skin of a 40 year old mum...
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi you are defiantly not alone on this one!!! I didnt see your photo but i think alot of people would like there stomach back after having babies I have 2 children my youngest is 8 months and finding it very hard to get my pre preg body back I did gain 4 and half stone though!! My mummy tummy is horrible its the one area I want to change is some advice which i am doing to try and get old tummy back.

    1.Lose weight to reduce the size of it

    2.Masasage creams/oils into it daily firmly for least 10 minutes to try to reduce the stretchmarks and improve circulation to the saggy skin to firm up! (if your stretch marks are red/purple in colour this is good as blood is still going to them keep massage them they will go. If they white/silver they can fade but will be with you forever :-( i have lots of these

    3.DO NOT DO SIT UPS!!! this is an important one some people dont know by doing sit ups you pushing your stomach muscles out if your tummy is sticking OUT you need to work on the core muscles and sucking it IN once your inner stomach core muscles are strong it will be flater again then you can do sit ups and work on your abs after.

    Do exercises such as the plank it looks easy but is hard (google image if unsure) other ones are lay on your back then raise feet of the ground and walk in the air making sure when you do these exercises to imagine a piece of string from your belly button and pull in towards your back.

    Hope this helps x
  • I had four kiddos in 2& 1/2 years (triplets) and can totally feel your pain.
    Try belly dancing, it works great on toning abs and is low impact.
    keep in mind, it won't make them totally flat but the will look a whole lot better.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Pilates and walk/run up hill! You need to work the bottom muscles of your abs. Once you get down to your goal weight and maintain it for around 6 months you'll be able to tell if it's going on not.

    I have that beautiful c section overhang and I don't think it's going to totally disappear but it's improved already.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    The only thing you can do short of surgery, is to reduce the fat under the skin then maintain for one year so the skin can do it's thing. I know how you feel, after 6 kids my belly is really the only place where I would want to run to the plastic surgon
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    I have the same problem, my youngest is now 10 and no matter what I tried after the 1st one I was left with my jelly belly pouch as I call it. So 2nd time round did nothing about losing the baby weight and carried on with life but now she is nearly 10 decided perhaps it was time to loose the weight.

    Although I have lost 20lb and I have noticed it around my waist that it is shrinking the jelly belly is not. So after discussions with my hubby I have decided that once I have hit my target weight and toned up if the jelly belly is still there I am going to get it surgically removed. I know people will say don't do it but when I hit my target weight last time after having my eldest and kept it off until I got pregnant with the youngest one I looked all slim and toned but it was embarresing having to tuck the jelly belly into my knickers as it made an unsightly bulge in my trousers or skirts so I this time round it is going to go one way or another.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I am with you! I had two babies in 1 year and my youngest is 9 months. I lost all the baby weight but 10 lbs before I started the low calorie diet in January. I have lost that 10 plus 39 more and my stretch marks look TERRIBLE! My skin actually looks wrinkly since I lost the weight and the skin is looser now. Hubby wants me to get a boob job since I went from a DD to a C so I think if he saves money for that then I can save for a tummy tuck. I did see a post on her before linking to a website that said if yhou lose the weight the skin will go back to normal. The reason it is still there is because there is still fat under it. I still have 21lbs to lose so I will see how it looks after that and decide if the surgery is the only option. I just think after working so hard to lose weight we should at least feel good about how we look.
  • lannahgirl
    lannahgirl Posts: 96 Member
    MIne is huge also..........can't wait to find out which excerise works!
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