In 5 weeks you'll weight

So here's the deal, I've lost 29lbs so far, need to lose another 15-20. I eat a relatively strict 1600 calories a day, but all from what I would consider good sources.

I've recently taken to walking to work with a fitbit, as a result I am now averaging about 17000 steps a day which according to MFP in calories is over 1,200 calories. I completed my diary for today and yesterday, can I really expect to weight 199lbs in 5 weeks when my current weight is 226? Those are rest days as well.

Has anyone found these estimations to be accurate or close?


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member

    Has anyone found these estimations to be accurate or close?

    No...because each day is different. Even small variations when extrapolated over 5 weeks can make a big difference.

    I ignore them (actually, I just never hit the button to complete my entry for the day so I never see them). I wish MFP would do away with them, as they seem to cause much more confusion than the help they purport to offer.
  • GaryHarbisher
    GaryHarbisher Posts: 19 Member
    Glad its not just me, they've been throwing me when I don't reach those targets.
  • LadyLallybroch
    LadyLallybroch Posts: 36 Member
    It specifically says "If every day were like today". If all of your days are EXACTLY the same, then yea, maybe. But they aren't. You even mentioned rest days. That means your days are not the same. That is just showing you a rate of loss based on its assumption of your caloric deficit that day.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You have to realize that some of those 1200 calories burned is part of your "regular" calories of 1600 as well...

    I use an activity tracker as's my "active" minutes that count most not just my steps. Walking back and forth to the printer, getting groceries etc is all part of my "daily" activity.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    It specifically says "If every day were like today". If all of your days are EXACTLY the same, then yea, maybe. But they aren't. You even mentioned rest days. That means your days are not the same. That is just showing you a rate of loss based on its assumption of your caloric deficit that day.


    I just use those as a "reality check" if I have a really excessive binge day. I look at how damaging CONTINUING that eating plan would be and do better the next day. I don't freak out over it though.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    , can I really expect to weight 199lbs in 5 weeks when my current weight is 226?
    Probably not, but if you are walking that much and eating about 1600 calories a day, you could be there in less than three months.

  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    In the last 90 days, I have hit that "goal" 16 times. I keep track because its fun for me (I am a numbers person) but I do not put any value into the data.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not everyday is like's just a projection based on an overly simplistic algorithm.