Exercise Calories not being added.

In the last little while - my exercise calories have stopped being added to my daily intake?

Anyone else having trouble with that?

On my phone app it shows - on my computer - it does not. And I LOVE to use it on my computer!! =( HELP!


  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    You mean like syncing from an app like pacer to mfp or on mfp platform? My pacer wouldn't sync so I manually add it now.
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    You are the second user to post a similar issue today, so there may be a bug. The other user posted this in the General Diet and Weight Loss forum.

    If you want a general MFP user to help, it would be good to provide some more information. What MFP mobile app are you using, iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry? Do you have a cardio activity tracker (e.g. Endomondo, MapMy..., Runkeeper, etc.) or an all-day activity tracker (e.g. Fitbit, Jawbone Up, etc.) linked?

    For actual technical support, I would suggest you open a Case with Customer Support on the MFP Help pages...
  • ronstahr
    ronstahr Posts: 1 Member
    My exercise calories are not posting. I have the premium version. Do I need to pay more ? Is there a premium gold or something?