Binge help!!!



  • fireball1970
    fireball1970 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't think you can gain 5 pounds of fat in two days. It's probably fluid retention. This won't ruin all your hard work if you get right back on your program.
    I agree. There is no way you have 'really' gained 5 pounds. Sit down, wipe the slate clean & start over. 3 days is so tiny in the scheme of things. Just let it go & start over. NOW :smiley:
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    Nothing you can do about the past, so stop worrying about it. Tomorrow you will start all over with a bunch of calories and you know how to use them!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Read up on all-or-nothing thinking, common with yo-yo dieters. You are neither a "saint" when you manage to stick to the diet, nor an utter "failure" for having a couple bad days. It was two days out of your life. You are the same person you were before the blowout, and this "failure" does not define you.

    That's why you can safely dust yourself off and start fresh. What you have done is delayed your weight loss plan by a couple days. That's it. Easily recoverable.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    kbmnurse wrote: »
    Log it, own it and stop it.

    Harsh reality. Im in the same place as you right now. Actually Saturday was great, went on a hike, enjoyed great food under my cal goals, then I wanted a rest on Sunday, just eat what I wanted and track it. I ate pancakes, but pancakes turned into a dinner of just mac and cheese (a lot of it), then I let it carry over into the next day where I sat at home eating just about everything, had DQ for lunch, pizza for dinner.

    I could have let it continue. I usually do. Two weeks ago I did. But today, I chose to end it. I wasnt much hungry for breakfast today (guts still recovering) but I ate a filling lunch (when I was hungry) and I have planned a well rounded dinner of foods I enjoy. I spent 3 whole days feeling sick two weeks ago, I had just eaten myself sick and my body was soooo upset. I just cant do that to myself over and over anymore. You really make it as simple as: move forward.
  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    One weekend of binging does not a weight loss plan derail. Look at your diary for the rest of the week. Notice the days you didn't go over? Or came in quite a bit under? Weight loss is not made or broken by the days, it's won and lost on the battlefield of MONTHS. You will recover from this. And you almost certainly didn't gain five pounds of body fat in one weekend, it's water. Probably the immensely high sodium in candy and other treats did it to yoTu. Just take a deep breath, acknowledge what's happened, and do better today. Then do better tomorrow.

    This. The bolded part. So beautiful. So true... It should be a meme!
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    So I have been eating healthy and treating myself sometimes for about 3 months but on Friday I went to a Halloween party and from then until today I have been eating junk food nonstop, going way over my calorie limit for each day, and I have gained 5 lbs. I'm really upset with myself and I feel like I've just ruined my whole weight loss because I this. I don't know what to do!

    No one perfect and you're not perfect. What will help you is that you cheated, ok you did. Time to move on and start again. A weigh loss is a journey and a process. I always make mistakes but I learn from it. I think your problem is your limited yourself for so long that once you have it you don't want it gone. Have a cheat day once a week or every two weeks.

    Good luck
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    One weekend of binging does not a weight loss plan derail. Look at your diary for the rest of the week. Notice the days you didn't go over? Or came in quite a bit under? Weight loss is not made or broken by the days, it's won and lost on the battlefield of MONTHS. You will recover from this. And you almost certainly didn't gain five pounds of body fat in one weekend, it's water. Probably the immensely high sodium in candy and other treats did it to yoTu. Just take a deep breath, acknowledge what's happened, and do better today. Then do better tomorrow.

    This. The bolded part. So beautiful. So true... It should be a meme!

    Aaaaaaand now I know what my new profile pic will be, I'm on it! Heads off to meme generator.....
  • KaleYogaGin
    KaleYogaGin Posts: 22 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    One weekend of binging does not a weight loss plan derail. Look at your diary for the rest of the week. Notice the days you didn't go over? Or came in quite a bit under? Weight loss is not made or broken by the days, it's won and lost on the battlefield of MONTHS. You will recover from this. And you almost certainly didn't gain five pounds of body fat in one weekend, it's water. Probably the immensely high sodium in candy and other treats did it to yoTu. Just take a deep breath, acknowledge what's happened, and do better today. Then do better tomorrow.

    This. The bolded part. So beautiful. So true... It should be a meme!
