What I think I need

Looking for an accountability buddy or anyone that is here to help and I can talk to when this gets harder. This is my first time in my life that i have asked for help from others, just trying to make some life changes. I am a stocky 250lbs 5 foot 6 inches build. I have been eating well for about 2.5 weeks now and feel like a need someone to talk to keep me going. My goal is 200lbs


  • Losing120Pounds
    Losing120Pounds Posts: 8 Member
    It's hard, right? I find it more comfortable to be honest with strangers about my weight and weight loss efforts than with those in my day to day. Asking for help is probably one of the first steps to success!
  • JeRu76
    JeRu76 Posts: 3 Member
    I am right there with you man. I am 5' 5" on a good day lol and I am currently at 264lbs. I got down from 322lbs. just by eating better and moving more. Weight loss is the hardest thing in life I've ever done, seriously. It is a daily struggle. I have mountains and pitfalls but I just keep going. I would definitely love to help motivate you and keep you accountable. I also need to stay accountable to someone so you could help me too :) Remember, don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day, just wipe the dust off and keep going. You got this!
  • Amberleah21
    Amberleah21 Posts: 55 Member
    The best thing I did was join this community! I can share my experiences on this weight loss journey on here and get motivation and support I could not get from family and friends not going through a similar journey. Add me if you need more friends for mutual support.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    edited November 2015
    welcome to MFP
  • elbrujo53
    elbrujo53 Posts: 55 Member
    edited November 2015
    I feel your pain. Here 5'9", started @ 230 and lost 23 so far since August 17 , looking to get BELOW 200 (and stay there!! ). I am in if you want to share. But there are thousands like us and in my experience everybody is eager to help. So use the community. There are so many experiences, advice, stories that one can use! It is an amazing "club". Key of success: discipline. Eat better (and less) and exercise. Every step counts. Don't be too hard on yourself (but be hard and watch out with the "excuses") and set achievable goals. It feels great to be lighter...
  • TinaGA2015
    TinaGA2015 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome, there is great support here. I'll send you a Friend request. You can do it!