30 day shred

mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
who has done this for a while? Have you see progress? also can you lose weight from it. I don't want to build muscles yet. I'm debating on getting it. Thanks for all the info


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    I did level 1 so far and lost 4 inches off me. It was working really well and I enjoyed it a lot, but then I got a horrible cold and haven't done it for a week now :grumble: I haven't started level 2 yet, but I hear it's intense.
    I think it's under $10 at Wal-Mart.
  • cassi42
    cassi42 Posts: 2
    YES!! I had my daughter about 8 months ago and by doing 30 day shred, following this diet, (toning by using ab ripper from p90x), I weight less then I did before I had my daughter. All I have to say about it is just stick with it, its hard at first,..but I am 6 months into using it and I lost 15 pounds.
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    I have been doing it and yes I am seeing results. Not to mention other people are seeing results my midsection has really slimmed down and people are asking me what I am doing. I have lost 10 lbs and people think I have lost at least 15 lbs. I love this workout she tells you if you want to see results you cannot stop and do the entire workout. With warm up and cool down it is about 28 minutes. And let me tell you I sweat! But I feel awesome afterwords!

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  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    I did level 1 so far and lost 4 inches off me. It was working really well and I enjoyed it a lot, but then I got a horrible cold and haven't done it for a week now :grumble: I haven't started level 2 yet, but I hear it's intense.
    I think it's under $10 at Wal-Mart.

    Level 2 is intense a lot of plank work. I just started Level 3 yesterday and let me tell you it was even more intense but I loved it.

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  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Yes and you will build muscle which will in turn help burn fat. As far as weight loss, I've seen people losing from 3lbs to 15lbs. I lost 10.6lbs myself. You will definitely look like you've lost more weight than the actual loss because you will look toned.

    Highly recommended!

    Here's my result blog on the shred: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/petithamu/view/30-day-shred-result-66089
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    how do you know when to go to the next level? I think I'll get it this weekend :)
  • I think over and above anything else, the motivational techniques JM uses are brilliant. So yes, get it...
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    I would think...if you have been sedentary and non strength building, that you would mainly "tighten" up everything....I am on the 6th day of Level 1. I hate doing it b/c it is no resting in between....but she explains it is buring off fat to do it that way. Even though I haven't had huge weight loss, someone commented just now that I looked skinny! Now, we KNOW that isn't true on the skinny part...but I do think it is tightening up all over. It is worth the $10. You will not have wasted yor money if you give it a month try...10 days on each level.....the key is NOT to miss a day....it is too hard to get back to it! And don't exercise immediately prior to doing it. I walked a quick mile one night and came in to do the video and could only make it through 1/2.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I completed it today. You will not get bulky from shred. BUT, I now have very nice definition in arms, shoulders, abs, legs, pretty much everywhere. I've lost about 5 pounds and about 2 inches from waist, 1/2 in from neck, 1 from hips. I feel great. I loved it!! I did it EVERY day though. I also gave it my all and tried my very best to do the harder option. There are two fitness girls who do the workout, one does an easier version for beginners or people with injuries. Good luck!! And, don't be scared of being "muscly" I promise this workout won't make you bulky/beefy.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    oh and I only lost 5, but I'm nearing my goal, so it goes slower now :( I'm still very satisfied tho
  • TwinMamma09
    TwinMamma09 Posts: 140
    I did it back in Jan as my new year's resolution. I was not eating as clean as I am now but I did lose 7 pounds during the month and had lost several inches as well. I think it is totally worth it since it is only $10.

    Good luck if you try it!
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    You will definitely look like you've lost more weight than the actual loss because you will look toned.

    Highly recommended!

    Here's my result blog on the shred: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/petithamu/view/30-day-shred-result-66089

    Soooo true.
    And to answer your question, you do 10 days on each level, but some people do one level until it's no longer challenging then move to the next. I'm sure either method is fine.
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    I completed it today. You will not get bulky from shred. BUT, I now have very nice definition in arms, shoulders, abs, legs, pretty much everywhere. I've lost about 5 pounds and about 2 inches from waist, 1/2 in from neck, 1 from hips. I feel great. I loved it!! I did it EVERY day though. I also gave it my all and tried my very best to do the harder option. There are two fitness girls who do the workout, one does an easier version for beginners or people with injuries. Good luck!! And, don't be scared of being "muscly" I promise this workout won't make you bulky/beefy.

    WTG! You have inspired me...I know you are much younger than I, but to hear your positive resluts and attitude helps tremendously! Thanks!
  • Shaysuki926
    Shaysuki926 Posts: 34 Member
    I bought Ripped In 30 and 6 week abs and it's amazing! She REALLY is trying to burn the damn fat off of you!! It's hard though but SO worth it!!
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    how do you know when to go to the next level? I think I'll get it this weekend :)

    JM tells you to progress at your own rate, when you feel strong enough then move up. I started on Level 1 and was there for 14 days then Level 2 for 7 days. I highly recommend this workout!

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  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    I love love love the 30 Day Shred and have recommended to ALL my friends and at least 10 have started doing it with me and love it as well. I've already been through the whole thing once and am now going back through it to try and do the more advances version where as before I was doing some of the modified exercises because I couldn't do the advanced. I am now on Day 6 of Level 1 for the second time around. I have seen, and others have seen a huge change in my body......loss in inches, firmer and more toned, stronger and I feel better. The only issue I had with any of it was that my knees were sooooo sore. I got some knee braces and they help a lot.

    It's hard, I won't lie, but it is so worth it and since it's only like 25 minutes from start to finish including warm up and cool down, just about anyone can fit 30 minutes into thier day somewhere! I also have to say that Level 2 is the most intense and hardest part of the DVD. I was so relieved when I moved on to Level 3! When I finish this "go round" of the Shred I am moving on to Ripped in 30! Good luck to you!
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I see the kit comes with dumbells and a mat..well I don't need a mat... is the dumbells required while doing the dvd? if so what size should I get?
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    I see the kit comes with dumbells and a mat..well I don't need a mat... is the dumbells required while doing the dvd? if so what size should I get?

    Dumbells will be required for most of the strength exercises in the workout. What weight you start with will depend on your current strength/fitness level, but I think that 3 lb. dumbells is a good place to start. I started with 3 lb...then progressed to 5lb.
  • djpgrl28
    djpgrl28 Posts: 24 Member
    the jillian michaels video? its great...sorta hard if you are like me and hate jumping backs but a good work out
    so are Jackie warner videos and bob harper videos
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I see the kit comes with dumbells and a mat..well I don't need a mat... is the dumbells required while doing the dvd? if so what size should I get?

    Dumbells will be required for most of the strength exercises in the workout. What weight you start with will depend on your current strength/fitness level, but I think that 3 lb. dumbells is a good place to start. I started with 3 lb...then progressed to 5lb.

    Ok thanks.. I think I'll buy them seperate :)
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