Boot Camp: Day Five - NSV!

Soooo box jumps yesterday - pretty convinced I was going to catch the edge of it on my way up and completely face plant in a not so graceful fashion and have to be rushed to the hospital so I started on the lowest one and then worked up to the medium. I tell you what, I didn't fall!

And today felt good - I finished the ENTIRE WORKOUT!!! That's the first time I've been able to complete it all in the 30 minutes we're given. NSV for ME!!!

Boot Camp: Day Five

Warm Up: 2 sets/30 seconds each
Squat and Chest Stretch
Squat Thrusts
Mountain Climbers

Body of Workout:
800 meter run
10 sit ups
40 box jumps
20 sit ups
30 box jumps
400 meter run
30 sit ups
20 box jumps
40 sit ups
10 box jumps
400 meter run
300 meter speed walk

Cool Down: 3 sets
20 Jack Knives (Left) - Crunch with one leg extended out and slightly raised off the floor
10 Kick Ups - From the crab walk position, kick one leg up and then the other
20 Jack Knives (Right)


  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Okay, I have seen this a few times. What is NSV?
  • AKAnderson785
    NSV stands for Non Scale Victory :)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Okay, I have seen this a few times. What is NSV?

    Non-Scale Victory

    good work AK. and let me know if you ever want some changed up routines, I publish a bunch of boot camps that I've created, all about 45 to 55 minutes long and extremely difficult, generally not for the beginner exerciser, but for someone who's done a few, they are fantastic and brutal, usually whole body routines.
  • ngolston
    ngolston Posts: 159 Member
    Great job!!! Box jumps, whew!!!