Distorted body image

So I had a distorted body image when I was 218 lbs. It wasn't until I saw a picture of myself tagged in facebook that I realized how terrible I looked. Then everyone posted how great I looked. Seriously? If that was me looking great I must have been even bigger than I looked int he picture! I couldn't get over how bad it was and realized I saw something completely different when I looked in the mirror. So I went on the low-cal thing and tried to get rid of the last 10 lbs of baby weight. Well now I have lost that plus 39lbs more and I still feel like I looked when I was 218. Hubby and I were on a walk and this pretty girl walked by. I thought I would love to be that size in my head. He said I used to be that size. Then I said "When? In high school?" He said "No, before you started this diet." I was so surprised that he thought I had a better body than that girl. I just can't get over that I am only a size 12 and still feel like I weigh 200lbs and am a size 18. He complimented me this morning on how great I looked before I left for work. When I came downstairs he gave me a crazy look and I thought he was going to say I looked bad, but he said I looked great and "skinny" (Not a term usually used in the same sentence as me.) So in my profile pics are my before (the actual fb pic I was talking about) and today. I can see it when I look here, but I still don't think I look as skinny as the girl we passed.


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Your profile is private so we can't see the pics.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    awww that's sweet what your hubby said.. great that he notices :) I bet you look great!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I keep seeing "skinny" girls and thinking-I wish I was that thin, and then just like your husband, I get told by my boyfriend that I am thinner. I still don't believe it, but it does make me feel good! Keep up the great work and keep smiling!
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Be careful to really recognize those differences and appreciate all the work you've put into getting there. I did the same thing about 6 years back - hadn't realized how bad I'd gotten, lost 85lbs, and never saw myself any differently. The fact that I didn't make myself see that is one of the reason (one of a few) that it so easily crept back on. Appreciate every pound and inch you've worked to lose. I know it's not easy, but I truly believe that will add to your success in the long run. :)
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    www.mybodygallery.com it's an awesome site that lets you put in height, weight, body shape, and you can see others that are the same as you and how they carry their weight. Check it out it might help you put things in perspective
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Hugs. . I know i've lost weight, but when I see pics of myself, I still want to cry and can't see the weight difference. . I know my pants have gone down from a 22-24 to a 16-18, but when I still avoid looking at myself in the mirror. . .so I so understand
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    You look beautiful! Congratulations! Fantastic job!!!
  • redqueenKD
    redqueenKD Posts: 3 Member
    Body image issues have plagued me for years. When I was thin I only saw fat - I got fat and couldn't seem to see just how big I had become. Now that I am eating better and working out - I feel great - but I don't see "great."

    I recently bought a new swim suit - one size smaller than I wore last year. For a week now I have debated on ordering another suit - this time in last year's size. Last night I put on the smaller size swimsuit and modeled it for my two adult children, explaining to them that I thought it might be too small and maybe I should order the next size up...

    Let me just say I LOVE MY KIDS! They really helped me see the "great" I have been missing - to see my new self through their eyes - and let me tell you - it feels GREAT!

    Now I am excited to wear my new suit - "one size smaller than last year" - and show it off for my husband, my family - but most of all - for MYSELF!

    Hang in their girl - and embrace the beautiful you!
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I totally feel you on the distorted body image!! I have the worst image of myself and still think I am a size 18 when I am really a 10. I play off my confidence even tho I really I feel like I am huge LOL I wish I could get over it but it is hard!

    Keep up your great work and trying to change you body image in your mind!!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. I have a very honest/horrible before picture. When I was at that weight I didn't feel like thats what I looked like. My clothes fit, and my husband was always kind to me never making me feel repulsive ( thats my word to describe the picture) . So now I know I am smaller but I wonder if my body image is still messed up. I suggest you take a new picture and put them side by side. pictures dont lie even if the mirror seems to.

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/226121-my-weight-loss-journey-with-pics Here are the pictures if your interested :)
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I opened it. Sorry.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    www.mybodygallery.com it's an awesome site that lets you put in height, weight, body shape, and you can see others that are the same as you and how they carry their weight. Check it out it might help you put things in perspective

    That is awesome... I know that many of us struggle with an accurate body image so I understand this thread completely! :blushing:
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    I recently found a pic of me when I was a size 16 and I was totally shocked at it. I then showed my husband who said "what? your face is bigger?" I was even more shocked that he could not see that I was almost double the size I am now... He then said that he never thought I had a weight problem. I really think he was and is in denial about how big I was. Also, I still feel that i'm that size 16 girl. Even when friends compliment me, I dont really feel it. I even have to fight with myself at target to buy mediums and even smalls depending on the shirt. I guess it takes time. I was fat for many years and I spent years of beating myself up. good luck! you can add me if you want.

    ps I couldnt see your pics at first but WOW you are a skinny minni!! wtg. You look fabulous!
  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    Oh you poor thing. I hear you. But listen to your hubby =) I'm QUITE SURE he's right and you look fabulous. I've ALWAYS had a bad self image myself. I always see the fat girl in the mirror no matter what I weigh. Some times its a low grumble and I can live with it, other times its a roaring beast and I get really down. I wish I had a magic answer for you. Try constantly reminding yourself of how far you've come and the work you are doing. I don't know what you do for exercise but try some body shaping exercises like a little strength training. You'll start to see muscles and toning and maybe that will make you feel a little better when you look in the mirror. About 5 weeks ago I started with the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and Now I am on to her Ripped in 30. They are 20 minute hard workouts but its strength training and ab work. I'd never do ab work w/o a dvd so this helped me. I feel better and look a little leaner......its helped me feel a little better when I look in the mirror :smile:
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    " I know i've lost weight, but when I see pics of myself, I still want to cry and can't see the weight difference. . I know my pants have gone down from a 22-24 to a 16-18, but when I still avoid looking at myself in the mirror. . .so I so understand"

    Do you measure when you weigh-in? Maybe you would feel differntly if you saw the inches coming off.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I know exactly what you are talking about. I have a very honest/horrible before picture. When I was at that weight I didn't feel like thats what I looked like. My clothes fit, and my husband was always kind to me never making me feel repulsive ( thats my word to describe the picture) . So now I know I am smaller but I wonder if my body image is still messed up. I suggest you take a new picture and put them side by side. pictures dont lie even if the mirror seems to.

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/226121-my-weight-loss-journey-with-pics Here are the pictures if your interested :)

    Well you look AMAZING! I looked at your pics and I wish I had a before in a bikini (well, maybe not).
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    " I know i've lost weight, but when I see pics of myself, I still want to cry and can't see the weight difference. . I know my pants have gone down from a 22-24 to a 16-18, but when I still avoid looking at myself in the mirror. . .so I so understand"

    Do you measure when you weigh-in? Maybe you would feel differntly if you saw the inches coming off.

    I gave up, cuz the weight was coming off, but I didn't see anyd difference in measuring. . I know I've lost inches, so I know i have to be measuring wrong LOL. .
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    WOW!!! I just looked at your picts and you dont ONLY look like you lost a ton of weight... you look like a different PERSON!! I know the feeling of looking in the mirror and NOT seeing what everyone else "claims" to ,,,,But HONESTLY you look AMAZING!
  • UpToTheChallenge
    just looked at your pictures. I DEFINITELY see a change. You look amazing and healthy now! You work those skinny jeans ;)

    I have reached my goal weight and I still have my fat days. When my boyfriend compliments me sometimes it's weird to hear and I'll disagree with him (he thinks I'm crazy & gets annoyed) but other days I feel great and I'm so proud of my accomplishment so hopefully you can feel that too!
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I opened it. Sorry.
    You look fantastic. If I saw you on the street I would consider you a thin person, just sayin'.

    But I know what you mean. I don't think the obese girl in my head will ever be subdued completely, no matter how awesome I look on the outside.