Switching to counting calories

Hello everyone. I have been using the Weight Watchers system. Have lost 50 pounds. And cut body fat from 28% down to about 12% But they do not use calories in there system. So I thought I would count calories to see if I can tweak my body composition a little. My current body is 175 pounds. I have played around with this app a while back. Looks like a good app for counting calories


  • ellebreedlove42
    ellebreedlove42 Posts: 101 Member
    It is definitely a good app for counting calories; I've found it helps to write everything down that I've eaten and then at the end of the day adding everything in- otherwise I feel I can't keep up because my nose is always in my phone while eating.
  • rcpilot58
    rcpilot58 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the review. How long have you been using it?