nutrition question

Hi everyone! Hopefully your all off
to a positive day! Here's my issue. I work a job where I am on call 24 hours 7 days a week. Now last night I got called at midnight. I had my bedtime shake at 9 and eat every three hours. I was out working till 6 am and back to regular work at 8. I only had a protein shake over night cuz my stomach was turning. Should I just eat on schedule when I'm awake or not eat the hours when I normally would be sleeping. The work I'm doing does not require anything but my mind so I'm not using many calories at work. Just need some opinions.... thanks everyone!


  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    oooooooo difficult one, what about snacking on fruit when you feel hungry (during the night I mean)?
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I am in the same position with my work. I try to stick with my normal eating schedule when I get those late night callouts. Maybe a shake or a protein bar when I get a craving. Granted that also depends on if you are staying up the whole time or going back to sleep.
  • slh100585
    slh100585 Posts: 5
    I haven't had to do it recently, but i know how it is when you are on call in the middle of the night. You just get hungry. If i had to do it now, i guess i would eat in the middle of the night, but i would eat some raw veggies so it wouldn't be too many calories but it would be filling. Just my thought!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Having a job that requires odd waking times just means you need to be ready to give your body just enough carbs for fuel the brain needs. You seem to understand the importance of small meals to keep the blood sugars level. It looks to me like you are doing great, but it sounds like your body may be addictied to sugar / carbs. when you are awake. Or, your body is starving for the simple sugars. If you are awake and need the brain food (blood glucose) go ahead and snack on a protein shake. Just keep the calories low.

    Up your mineral and vitamin supplements and get more water in you through out the day! That wll help curb your cravings.

    If you abnormally wake up during the night it means that your liver or your thyroid may be getting mixed signals from your body; are you messing yourself up with diet water pills that deplete essential minerals and electrolytes? Caffinee does that too! So, ween yourself off the chemicals, especially sodas and artifical sweeteners that trick your nervous system. (aspertame is the worst!)

    best wishes.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you are hungry eat something. Try to Plan those days out ahead of time so you can know what to eat and when. Even if you don't know when it will be, if you plan that kind of day you will have it on hand for when you do need it.
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Don't worry too much about eating at specific times, go by how hungry you are and your calorie count for the day.
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    Thanks everyone. I don't know how it might have got misunderstood. But I am not waking up hungry I'm waking up for work for a call in the night. I am def not craving sugar or carbs and intake more than 300 grams of protein daily. Lifebloom it sounds like you understand. I just don't know what's beneficial. I'm fine with eating or not eating I just want to make the best choice. I had about 200 cals with 30 grams of protein and 9 grams of fat from almonds. It filled me up. Thanks again everyone! :)
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    If you are up 24 hours during the day you are burning far more calories than if you sleep for 8 (give or take) of them. Just the mere fact that you are awake for an extra 6 hours means that you need FAR more calories than you would otherwise.

    Don't stress about eating additional calories; in fact, you should CONTINUE to eat every 3 hours (which is a great practice) during the overnight shifts.