Antidepressants and weight gain?

Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone knows of or has experienced weight gain as a result of antidepressant medication. I have some generalized anxiety, so my doc recommended taking a low dose of anti-depressants. I'm not depressed at all, but apparently these meds work for anxiety just as well. I did some reading it and seems like A LOT of people randomly gain weight right after taking SSRI antidepressant meds--even if they have a healthy diet and lifestyle. I'm totally freaked out because I worked SO hard at getting in shape and I would hate to ruin it with a medication.

I've also heard that many people may gain the weight just because they aren't very active, health conscience people. Since I know everyone on here holds their health and weight in high regard, I thought this would be a good group to talk to!


  • dearladydisdain
    dearladydisdain Posts: 7 Member
    I've been on Celexa (an SSRI) for over 6 months and it has not made me gain weight nor has it impeded my weight loss.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Actually when I first started taking Cymbalta is lessened my appetite. I'm seem to have adjusted to that - unfortunately! Good luck!!
  • lauraashley614
    You can check with your doctor about one that is weight neutral. Cymbalta worked for me ( I use for anxiety as well)
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Celexa is the one my doc wanted to put me on...not sure if it's considered "weight neutral" though. I called him this morning but no word back yet. This alone is getting me anxious! haha
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I always get upset when people ( not you of course ) say they gained weight from medication. I do understand there IS meds out there that REALLY make you gain weight, but I dont believe birth control or anxiety/antidepressants are in the category. If anything, 5 lbs...but people blaming 10 to 20 lbs weight gain on their meds is rediculous ( also stated by my doctor )

    I think you will be Okay. watch what you eat, and just be concious. :)
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    I took antidepressants for about two years (Wellbutrin mostly). I stayed about the same weight the entire time.
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I take Celexa during each winter and it usually causes me to lose about 5 lbs when I start it, and that weight usually stays off until I stop taking it in April.
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    I'm on Celexa for anxiety. It hasn't made me gain weight. Before, Celexa, I took a number of different brands. I really think it's the person...gaining weight or not. Good luck with the medicine. If it doesn't work, ask your doctor for something else. There are too many out there. I was on the highest dose of Wellbutrin and it didn't help at all. I'm on the lowest dose of Celexa and it's a world of difference. They all act different on everyone.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I take prozac, and my weight loss has been the same on and off it.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I was on Zoloft a few years ago for anxiety. I gained soooo much weight. I dont think its the actual drug that does it, but one of the side effects is that it increases your appetite, I was eating all the time and the medicine worked TOO good because I knew that i was gaiing a significant amount of weight but i just didnt care.

    I am on Celexa and have not gained any weight :D that was a HUGE concern of mine also.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I always get upset when people ( not you of course ) say they gained weight from medication. I do understand there IS meds out there that REALLY make you gain weight, but I dont believe birth control or anxiety/antidepressants are in the category. If anything, 5 lbs...but people blaming 10 to 20 lbs weight gain on their meds is rediculous ( also stated by my doctor )

    I think you will be Okay. watch what you eat, and just be concious. :)

    This was my initial thought! Then I got scared because they said some people gained weight without changing their diet or exercise regiment. I was reading one review online where some lady said "Celexa made me gain 90 lbs" ....Ok, lets stop for a second. At what point between a few and 90 lbs did you realize this was a problem? If you gain 90 lbs, chances are you ate yourself into oblivion lol
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Unless your thyroid is out of whack, chances are any weight gain from birth control or anti depressants is do to additional eating. The hormones in BC may give you the munchies so you have to be concious of what you eat. My dr also told me that with antidepressents...if you tend to eat when you are depressed then the right AD drug will help alleviate that. If you tend to not eat when depressed the rigt med will have the opposite effect.

    I was very concerned about weight gain and waited a very long time to even admit to my doc I was having post partum depression because of it. When I discussed it with him thats how he explained it to me....not to mention, getting your mental health straight is most important.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    I was on a few different meds and they all caused me to gain wait and now I'm still stuggling to try to lose it. I work out with a trainer 2x a week, and run 1 to 3 times a week. Still not losing.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I was on Zoloft a few years ago for anxiety. I gained soooo much weight. I dont think its the actual drug that does it, but one of the side effects is that it increases your appetite, I was eating all the time and the medicine worked TOO good because I knew that i was gaiing a significant amount of weight but i just didnt care.

    I am on Celexa and have not gained any weight :D that was a HUGE concern of mine also.

    So good to hear!! These posts are making me feel better
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I always get upset when people ( not you of course ) say they gained weight from medication. I do understand there IS meds out there that REALLY make you gain weight, but I dont believe birth control or anxiety/antidepressants are in the category. If anything, 5 lbs...but people blaming 10 to 20 lbs weight gain on their meds is rediculous ( also stated by my doctor )

    I think you will be Okay. watch what you eat, and just be concious. :)

    This was my initial thought! Then I got scared because they said some people gained weight without changing their diet or exercise regiment. I was reading one review online where some lady said "Celexa made me gain 90 lbs" ....Ok, lets stop for a second. At what point between a few and 90 lbs did you realize this was a problem? If you gain 90 lbs, chances are you ate yourself into oblivion lol

    LOL omg if it made people gain 90 lbs it wouldne be so popular....maybe she was so crazy she was popping smarties and not her pills!!! lol :)
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I always get upset when people ( not you of course ) say they gained weight from medication. I do understand there IS meds out there that REALLY make you gain weight, but I dont believe birth control or anxiety/antidepressants are in the category. If anything, 5 lbs...but people blaming 10 to 20 lbs weight gain on their meds is rediculous ( also stated by my doctor )

    I think you will be Okay. watch what you eat, and just be concious. :)

    This was my initial thought! Then I got scared because they said some people gained weight without changing their diet or exercise regiment. I was reading one review online where some lady said "Celexa made me gain 90 lbs" ....Ok, lets stop for a second. At what point between a few and 90 lbs did you realize this was a problem? If you gain 90 lbs, chances are you ate yourself into oblivion lol

    Ya Celexa hasnt made me gain any weight and I totally agree with some people blaming there weight gain on a drug..but I swear Zoloft really was a big reason I gained the weight because I couldnt control my appetite and as soon as I got of it..withouth changing anything drastically about my diet...most the weight I gained came right off. No exercise or anything.
  • Raw68
    Raw68 Posts: 1 Member
    Very good question. There is a doctoral thesis for someone researching this topic!

    I never had a problem with my weight until I started taking Paxil back in 2002. I weaned myself off and lost some weight but became less active and wound up gaining more. Of course, my metabolism has changed as I have gotten older.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I take celexa as many others have posted they do as well, and I have lost ALL of my weight while on it. I don't believe antidepressants MAKE you gain weight. They may make it more difficult for you to avoid food... or make you FEEL hungrier... etc. However, if you follow your caloric goals and workout regimen you will still make the same progress with or without them.

    My 2 cents. :glasses:
  • KimberSt
    KimberSt Posts: 62 Member
    I've been on different anti-depressants for several years. I think I've been through them all. I used to be one of the people that would have been the first to blame an anti-depressant on weight gain. It is sooooo not true!!! I think that (and this is just my experience) that if you've been overeating during most of your depression time, a "feeling" drug is not going to change that habit. You have gained the weight, not the pill. You have to make the habit change.

    I am still on an anti-depressant and have had no problems in losing weight once I changed.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I take celexa as many others have posted they do as well, and I have lost ALL of my weight while on it. I don't believe antidepressants MAKE you gain weight. They may make it more difficult for you to avoid food... or make you FEEL hungrier... etc. However, if you follow your caloric goals and workout regimen you will still make the same progress with or without them.

    My 2 cents. :glasses:

    P.S. An add on to this... I used to be on Zoloft, and I did gain significantly while taking it. It also caused me to feel really weird at times, and eventually I asked my doctor to switch me to Celexa, which is much less demanding on the body. I refuse to blame the Zoloft for the weight gain, though, because the only person inserting the food into my body is ME.