Winter Blues

I've struggled with severe seasonal depression for quite some time. As soon as the colder months come, I find myself couped up in my bedroom, binge watching TV, and not wanting to leave. This prohibits me from being active as well as encouraging excess eating. I feel like I eat not only because I get depressed and that's often a side effect for me but also because I'm in the house all the time, so I'm bored. Just looking for some ideas to stay active in the winter and positive encouragement.
Feel free to add me on here as a friend as well! :)


  • jshay295
    jshay295 Posts: 110 Member
    Do you have one of those therapeutic lights? I can't recall the name right now.
    Do your meds need to be changed?
    Shovelling snow is a good way to get some exercise in, at least where I live. Can also do exercise videos :)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I try to get an early morning walk in just as the sun is starting to peak out. It helps to get me going with some natural light and fresh air.