Vegetarian and building muscles

Hi I am vegetarian and looking for friends who are into core building and weight training. I would like to loose few pounds and over all muscle building. I would like to know different source of protein for vegetarians and like to see what you guys eat. Add me to motivate each other in general. Thanks


  • ainarsraciks
    ainarsraciks Posts: 166 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm vegan. I mostly get protein from seeds and nuts. I ate about a handful of three different types of nuts and/or seeds a day which gives me about 40 to 60g from that alone. Everything has protein, oats about 8g, beans about 5 to 20g, lentils about 20g per 100g. Even things like potato has about 3g of protein per 100g, even average size carrots and cabbage has about 1g of protein. It accumulates ya know. You don't need that much protein to build muscle, it's all way too exaggerated, just ate healthy whole foods and don't worry about counting it. As long as you ate whole foods and are not on some crazy diet which gets most of calories from fat or sugar you will naturally get all the protein you need.

    For vegetarians it's even easier cos you have dairy and eggs. Those things are just packed with tons of protein.
  • Meghnel
    Meghnel Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks this is great information. Btw I don't eat eggs but I eat dairy products. Once again thanks a lot
  • NicolaMichelle93
    NicolaMichelle93 Posts: 685 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm vegetarian and looking to build muscle. I try to hit around 100+ grams of Protein a day and don't find it too difficult as long as I disperse it throughout my meals rather than get into the afternoon and still find I have 60 grams to hit! I tend to have around 20g+ per meal and a few protein-y snacks throughout the day. I do keep mindful of my protein and keep a running total throughout the day, as if I didn't focus on it/ count it, I doubt I'd get half of what I needed xD
    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Journeydujour
    Journeydujour Posts: 7 Member
    You need to figure out how much protein you need for your goals. Obviously if you are trying to cut weight or gain muscle, you need to cut back on carbs which will store as fat if they aren't burned, and you need to take more protein. Proteins from a general veg diet will usually not get you to your body building dreams unless you supplement with a good protein powder. I recommend vega which isn't synthetic tasting and is also full of great vitamins. If you don't eat eggs, you will likely overload on dairy which can lead to other side effects if you eat too much, so I would really aim for a protein powder, soy milk on occasion, try cooking with tofu, etc.. Of course lentils and beans are wonderful but again, if you are trying to gain muscle, you may also gain weight when you eat enough lentils and carbs to reach a 90g (for example) goal when 1 serving lentils has 17g. If you are ok with the carbs, just add some cheese to your beans and keep it kosher. Try this and think more about what you're going for. Every suggestion should be tailored to your specific goals