The first steps of a very long journey....

CelticDestiny Posts: 61 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to this site and so far it seems like a great place for tools and support.

I have a very long journey ahead of me but I have finally made a decision that I will follow through with my goals, one step at a time. I have finally realized that I need this for me, not just for my husband and young girls. I have over 100lbs to lose for me to be considered "normal" for my height and age. So far, I have lost 30lbs since the birth of my second daughter at the end of July 2010 and have been able to roughly maintain it.

I have always been the shy stay in the background kind of person so I'm not very comfortable asking others for help and support but I know I can't be successful with out it. I need to find others that I can connect with who understand the mountain I am facing. I need to find other that I can support just as much as they support me.

My first steps have been taken...



  • I'm with ya' sista'......... I have battled my weight my entire life and am looking to change the way I think and live by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My picture is about 30+ lbs ago. I use it as my Profile pic because I want to remember how healthy and happy I was at that weight (which is still about 25lbs over what the doctor wants me to weight).... I'm looking at a long term weightloss of about 60lbs or more. In order to not get completely overwhelmed... I'm doing 20lb goals at a time.

    I'm looking for a weightloss buddy if you're interested. :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Hello and welcome. I like your username.

    I find I go from being quiet and shy, to being outspoken, so I sort of relate on that aspect, but believe me I understand about facing the 'mountain'. ~chuckles~

    I've only been doing this since mid-May and am down 18 lbs, but that still means I have more than 200 to lose.
  • jmuzzio7
    jmuzzio7 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I have a similar journey myself. I've tried many times in the past, but never really TALKED about it with others....I knew that I needed support, but was too embarrassed to ever ask for help from anyone other than my best friend and doctor. I don't even like talking to my husband about it. But MFP has really motivated me and I'm really trying to do the right things and I'm finally starting to think it's actually will take a long time, but I need to get started now b/c if I wait any longer then a year from now I'll be in the same boat and will have wished I'd started a year ago (like so many other times). I would love to help motivate and support you....feel free to add me as a friend :happy:
  • soonersgirl
    soonersgirl Posts: 254 Member
    I am with you problem is, I am obese and I don't know exactly how much I's horribly depressing. But, this is really helping me and I can already feel like this is working for me. I won't be able to measure my weight loss accurately until I begin to lose more, but I am so glad I found this. Can't wait till I can start counting the pounds as they melt away!!!!! Good Luck To YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Good luck to you! I am with you on this quest for a better healthy lifestyle. I need to lose about 200 pounds and I am going to do it a pound at a time! lol
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    Hi there, you came to the right place! You will enjoy it here and it will help tremendously, we are all in this together.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    I love your username! I too have far to go as well, about 150 lb. My sister convinced me to join MFP so she could monitor what I'm eating long distance, but I have found the members are very supportive and it's nice to know I'm not alone in my struggle.
    Good luck :)
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    Remember, small mini goals is the way to do it! And you CAN do it! Every 5 lbs is a victory!
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