Strength & Endurance

I find myself wondering whether I want to be a bodybuilder or a cross country runner. It's an on going battle and its effect my weight loss plan. Any advice as to how I can continue to keep my strength , and increase my endurance at the same time??


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Eat enough to support both goals.
  • pnklzzy
    pnklzzy Posts: 11 Member
    I find myself doing both....just train in both on different days... I enjoy not doing the same ol same....
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited November 2015
    Agree with above comments, train for both, eat for both plus don't have an excessive deficit.

    I juggle long distance cycling and weight training. There's an inevitable compromise so I prioritise based on the season and specific events. In general alternate days is my preferred training pattern. There is interference in terms of recovery and training performance but probably not such a big issue for you at your age as it is for me.

    Depending on where you are starting from you can make huge advances in both strength and endurance even in a (moderate) deficit.

    Would recommend the MFP "eat back exercise calories" method rather than TDEE minus a percentage to fuel your exercise appropriately on the day.
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    I Did normal cardio workouts and lifting as I lost weight.

    Exercise and diet together work very well.

    I tried a few hobbies once closer to target weight. Over time things evolved into triathlons.

    The cool thing is this, you have choices! You always will. Try it all and enjoy your fitness. You may make new friends along the way. I have some very cool bike riding friends now.

    Having a variety of activities, and those new friends as well, wil help you make it a permanent change . A part of your life.

    That is the key to long term success.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Google Alex Viada and see if you can find any of his training information. He is kind of a freak of nature, I mean that respectfully, in that he is a beast and does distance running.