How do you curb the bread cravings?

I am a bread binger, there is something about it so satisfying. I know my main issue is the amount of bread I eat and I was wondering if anybody has any hints on how to stop craving it all the time?


  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I used to eat way too much bread. Only if it was good, fresh bread though-- and I am not in the habit of making it or buying it regularly,so I rarely have it around. If we do have bread in the house, it's some my husband bought, and I often think the bread he buys is not very good and not worth eating. I think you probably need to force yourself to not have it in the house at all, or if you do because someone you live with eats it often, try to makes ute it's not a kind you really like. The best realization I came to while losing weight, about food, was that if it's not really good, it's absolutely not worth the calories. And, work on lots of self control!
  • EllaNZ1992
    EllaNZ1992 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Linnaea27! I guess the best thing to do is to just get rid of it and try to find other alternatives to the sandwich and quick toast snacks!
  • amberlyda1
    amberlyda1 Posts: 154 Member
    I keep it out of the house. I have certain triggers and I over eat. I love french bread with butter. I'm one of those people that has a hard time just having a slice and leaving the once in a blue moon I buy it, but chips, yummy bread, a lot of pasta dishes etc are not brought in on a regular basis.....
    I have found that once I'm a few months into eating better I have a much easier time controlling m yself. I think it's mainly because I'm dealing with my stress by working out, or I'm used to and loving having veggie soup as a late night snack instead
  • johnreygalvarado
    Willpower works for me... :D
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I find it easiest not to eat bread. Then I don't have to worry about binging on it. I eat other things that aren't a trigger for me and that way I stay within my macros. At restaurants I ask them not to bring the bread basket. I don't really miss it any more (I stopped missing it at about day 30) and it is so much easier without it. Just not worth the hassle.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I just plan my meals in advance, so I only eat the amount of bread I planned. Every meal of mine is planned the night before, if not earlier.
  • EllaNZ1992
    EllaNZ1992 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks guys, planning sounds like a great idea, if I can just get into the habit of it I think it will help me overcome quite a few things, not just the bread!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Yeah, it's amazing how much it helps, and frankly, I like it even just purely from taking the thought out of those "I'm home from work, now what do I do for dinner?" moments. Last thing I want to do when hungry is try to plan a meal, probably why I ate badly before.
  • KatieBearLOL
    KatieBearLOL Posts: 17 Member
    Like others, we just don't keep delicious bread in the house. We keep some whole grain pitas in the pantry for "sandwiches" -- while they make a meal taste good, I definitely would not eat more than one of those simply because the taste is not as satisfying.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Quit eating it
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Whole wheat breads do it for me!

    I had horrid cravings for white bread after I ate some. Never before, but always after. Switching to whole wheat did the trick for me. I have to make my own because the store-bought stuff...I just don't like the taste. But I like what I make a lot and no more cravings! :)
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I know a lot of people have success by removing their particular food boogeyman from their food choices entirely. It's one option anyway. Good luck!
  • WeighToGoJudy
    WeighToGoJudy Posts: 43 Member
    I have better control with whole grain and whole wheat bread. This goes for pasta, rice, and potatoes too. Whole grain, brown, and sweet potatoes satisfy me more. White carbs usually equal a binge for me.
  • Oscar8890
    Oscar8890 Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2015
    I buy Arnold's bakery light bread 100% whole wheat from shoprite it is smaller but two slices for 80 calories and you get used to it, and it fills you up
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I don't fight cravings. I channel them. I buy breads I really enjoy and I keep them in the freezer. Slices come out one or two at a time. I take my time eating it and I be mindful to enjoy every bite (most of the time). I choose one carb to have with my meal and sometimes it is the bread and other times it is the potato.

    If you are binging on bread you have somehow convinced yourself this is your "last meal". If instead you have permission to love your bread for eternity there is no rush. Also binging is so fast there is no time to enjoy it. It is a very low pleasure to calorie ratio.

    Maximize the pleasure, extend your time eating it, and get a very high pleasure to calorie ratio. The memory of your great snack will stick around longer too.
  • MarcieAvaJ
    MarcieAvaJ Posts: 6 Member
    These are all great strategies. I'm gluten free for 4 years (except for a rare event) and truly, after awhile you will not miss it at all. At first, your willpower and commitment will be tested, though. And then the craving dies once you no longer feed it. One thing I allow myself now if I feel I am crashing is a Panini with Ezekial frozen sprouted bread. In the freezer, so out of mind, harder to get to. Two pieces have 30 grams of carbs though.
  • EllaNZ1992
    EllaNZ1992 Posts: 13 Member
    jgnatca, mindful eating sounds like a good idea, I have heard of its success. I'm going to try it out today thanks.
  • jlsmith0922
    jlsmith0922 Posts: 1 Member
    It's not easy for sure sometimes but "fat bombs" are a big help especially if they have coconut!
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    I also use Ezekiel Bread - good stuff - much better for you - The other stuff - like fresh Italian or rolls is addictive - like a narcotic. Eastcoast Jim
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    I usually buy Joseph's pita bread or lavash bread since it has less calories, but for the most part when I was cutting back bread was the first thing to go since I went crazy with it!
    However, I have recently discovered Thin Slim's bread, which is 50 calories a slice and INCREDIBLY filling!!! The stuff has so much fiber and it's more dense than regular bread and slightly chewy; it tastes just as good but makes you slow down and savor it. Definitely more expensive but a really good alternative for every once in a while! ;)
    I found breads with as little as 45 calories per slice at Walmart, but these breads just don't fill me up like ThinSlim does. I don't know how they do it! I wouldn't recommend their snacks though, they taste very artificial >.>