Unexplained Weight Gain - advice needed!



  • kellykaye_xo
    kellykaye_xo Posts: 66 Member
    Have you been to the Dr. recently and had any blood work done? I had the same thing (30 lbs in 6 months) and found that my Thyroid had dropped in the hormone production. i was tired all the time and my skin/hair/nails were dry flaky brittle and unattractive. I was sleeping 11+ hrs a night and still feeling tired. I take a low dose pill every morning now and I feel soo great! i didnt know what "normal" felt like until I fixed the problem. The most common condition associated with low thyroid is a slow metabolism and uncontrolled weight gain! Go get checked! You never know...

    I was thinking the same thing. I had unexpected weight gain over a period of year and a half. I had been the same weight (within 10 lbs) for about 15 years then all of the sudden gained 20 lbs with no change in my eating/exercise habits. I ended up having an underactive thyroid and was just put on medicine about a month ago. The thyroid can wreak havoc on your metabolism if it's not working properly. I would suggest getting your bloodwork done to check all areas (thyroid, female hormones, cortisol, etc). It can be very frustrating to work hard and not get any results. You need to know if you are dealing with other issues so you can make some progress. Good luck to you!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Check with your doctor. Get your blood tested. Any medications you have been taking or that have changed? BCP's? Allergy? Have you been more tired? Make a list and take it to your doc.
  • googagene
    googagene Posts: 32
    I agree with going to the doctor. I just made an appointment the other day so I can have my thyroid levels checked. I've started losing hair (more than usual, I've always shed) my skin is VERY dry, my hair is dry and static-y and no amount of conditioner or special shampoo will help it, my nails have started peeling and snapping off. Also, If I eat, I gain. I have to constantly watch intake of calories vs outgoing to keep me at a good balance. I stop paying attention and next thing I know I've gained 5-6 pounds in one weekend. Check if you have any symptoms other than weight gain.

    Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (An underactive thyroid)
    fatigue, exhaustion
    feeling run down and sluggish
    difficulty concentrating, brain fog
    unexplained or excessive weight gain
    dry, coarse and/or itchy skin
    dry, coarse and/or thinning hair
    feeling cold, especially in the extremities
    muscle cramps
    increased menstrual flow
    more frequent periods
  • Julie1572
    Julie1572 Posts: 3
    Holy cow! This is the first time I have posted and I am overwhelmed by all of the great responses. I really needed this today! THANK YOU ALL!

    Thank you for the great advice - I watch my calories, and am conscious of what kind of calories I am putting in my body. I only do processed carbs if i have to, and have been eating a lot more veggies (yuck!). I can always improve my diet... maybe i will go on a strictly "clean eating" diet for a bit and see if that works...

    I also didn’t even know my diary was private, so I will be working up the nerve to change that today. :)

    I have had three rounds of blood work done this year (primary doctor, gyno, and endocrinologist). Thyroid came back normal, along with everything else. The endo did notice that my sugar was a little high (104, just 4 points above normal), so she put me on a low dose of Metformin and said I would definitely lose weight on it. I am on week 5 of the meds and no change in weight or clothes fitting.

    Saw my primary doctor today and she was disappointed, saying everybody loses weight on Metformin, even if they dont have a real sugar issue. She had expected me to lose at least 10lbs by now, especially with how much I am working out.

    I have an appointment with another endo for a second opinion in July.

    I am also getting married in October, so that has kept me motivated. I can’t be the heaviest I've ever been at my wedding!

    MFP is keeping me accountable. Thank you all for your help and advice.