how long did it take to see results?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just started my weight loss journey this Monday, so I know I won't see a difference right away. I want to know when you guys started seeing results? I am working my butt off, and watching my calorie intake, just drinking water and eating healthier. I would just like to see some light at the end of the tunnel sometime soon..I hope

    I need to stay away from the Halloween candy lol

    How long did it take you to gain all the weight?
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    I'm short. I started at 135 and saw huge results about every 2-5 pounds. Down to 107 my goal weight is somewhere between 100-105. The last few pounds take foreverrrr but my body is still changing oddly enough.
  • glosser24
    glosser24 Posts: 4 Member
    ragenhay1 wrote: »
    It really varies by person and conditions such as how much weight you have to lose. I've been at this 33 days now and I'm down 15lbs but I had 70 to lose and I'm breastfeeding. It slows down the closet you get to your goal.

    Depends on your eating habits and exercise. I am in a strict lean meat and certain veggies to jump start my metabolism and have lost 22 lbs in 6 weeks. After week 2 my personal trainer has incorporated foods like I have 2 carb days a week where I can have good carbs fir breakfast and lunch like oatmeal. It's working for me but everyone is different
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    Depends where you want to see it. In my grocery chart, immediately. On the scale I saw results in a week. In my disposition, one month. In my strength one month. On the tape measure 3 months. In my endurance three months. In my closet about 4 months, I started weeding things out. In my blood tests, 5 months.

    ^^^ This is so true OP

    It is a marathon journey

    I'm in year two. The changes are no longer dramatic. It is about small improvements and ingrainig the lifestyle.

    But when you make those changes as mentioned above in the grocery cart.

    When you build that strength by exercise

    When you have a new closet of smaller clothes on your fit body...

    That is the goal and it is worth every single bit of work you put in

    Remember, it is a marathon not a sprint. Be your own best fan and cheerleader.

  • LyiannaTameka
    LyiannaTameka Posts: 34 Member
    It's taken me quite a while to see results, but it depends. On the scale, the weight dropped immediately. I started out losing around 4lbs a week. I know it was most likely water weight but it was still inspiring. I've been on this diet for just under 8 weeks & I've lost a total of 19lbs. It fluctuates but I still lose anything from 2-5lbs in a week, which I'm super happy with. But I guess it's different for me, because I never went above 1200 calories. I usually eat 800-1000 though (of pure clean food), which has resulted in a nice rapid but stable weight loss. The reason I haven't lost more weight was because I occasionally just had days where I didn't care & ate more than my average. However, if I'm judging my weightloss by looking in the mirror, I often don't notice. I feel like I look mostly the same, but I do see my stomach is slightly flatter and my arms slimmer thinner. But that's it. It does depend on a multitude of things though such as metabolism, genes, types of food you eat calorie deficit & exercise. Btw, I'm 5'5 & a half. My start weight was 149lbs & my current weight is 130lbs.
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    amberlyda1 wrote: »

    Ive found this to be fairly true

    I second this meme

    I agree with this. Almost to the day.
    I will say how weird it is that someone asks me almost daily "wow did you lose weight?"..and I respond " 2 years ago?". Funny sometimes how people get used to you at a certain says and despite evidence to suggest otherwise they kind of have an image of you in mind that takes awhile to reform.

    thats pretty funny..good for you! I hope ill get I splurged a little and now i feel so guilty lol it's nice to have all of this support, thanks!
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    Calmquiet wrote: »
    I have been losing weight for over a year now and am currently 1 pound away from losing 60 pounds yet I didn't even notice the difference till a week ago when I found an old picture of myself and compared it. I could definitely tell a difference but the fact I had only had 1 person ever comment on my weight loss and since I was so used to my reflection it made me feel like there was none. So I would agree pictures are the best way to tell.

    that's incredible, great job!I'm surprised more people didnt notice though, thats a big jump! id love to lose 60pounds lol
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    Hello. :) I've been trying for a little over 2 years now, I've gone from 280 to my current 205 (though I've also probably put on 15ish pounds in muscle, maybe more). I didn't really notice until I was down in the 230's because my face/neck were getting a little smaller, I was able to tie my shoes with ease, going upstairs wasn't a chore. My co-workers were noticing though, and very complimentary so that was nice.

    I've been noticing a little bit more the last couple months, shirts that used to be tight on me are now roomy, my favorite sweatshirt from fall 2014 looks like I'm drowning in it (I still wear it to bed, so comfy!) I went from at my heaviest barely squeezing into a size 24 pant and now I'm so close to fitting into my old size 13's! From an XXL/3X top to fitting in L/XL... it's a great feeling.

    Just keep going until you feel good, when you look in the mirror and "damn I look sexy today". Lol. That's my goal, not necessarily a weight. The changes will come if you keep going, the time is going to pass anyways so just do your thing, you'll feel so so so much better and really, no one ever regretted going to the gym and getting healthy. lol. TAKE a BEFORE picture, I wish I had but I was just so repulsed by what I'd done to my body. TAKE measurements!! Seriously, the scale isn't the only thing to look at especially since your weight does fluctuate. Cardio is awesome, but getting in some serious strength training will bring you to the next level.

    Sorry for my long reply. Lol. Good luck girlfriend, never give up! Be the person that inspires someone else!! :)

    wow that's amazing!! im a size 14 right now but im hoping to lose some of these thunder thighs and getinto an 8 or ..ive come to the conclusion I will never be tiny,I have a larger frame and big is to be 150 but thats 60lbs lose..I weigh 207 right now, I lost three pounds in a week :)I hope I end up losing weight like everyone else! ive been working my butt off and Ive honestly never felt better! I have low confidence so ill probably never think I look sexy lol my husband thinks I am so that's a plus! I totally forgot to take measurements, you reminded me! thanks lol yeah I talked to a trainer and she said weight training also.I just started so hopefully ill get there, im just not ready yet.I am incorporating weights into my workouts though, so it's a start :)

    I appreciate the long reply, its inspiring and motivated me even more :) thanks so much for your support..feel free to add me hun :)
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    Hello. :) I've been trying for a little over 2 years now, I've gone from 280 to my current 205 (though I've also probably put on 15ish pounds in muscle, maybe more). I didn't really notice until I was down in the 230's because my face/neck were getting a little smaller, I was able to tie my shoes with ease, going upstairs wasn't a chore. My co-workers were noticing though, and very complimentary so that was nice.

    I've been noticing a little bit more the last couple months, shirts that used to be tight on me are now roomy, my favorite sweatshirt from fall 2014 looks like I'm drowning in it (I still wear it to bed, so comfy!) I went from at my heaviest barely squeezing into a size 24 pant and now I'm so close to fitting into my old size 13's! From an XXL/3X top to fitting in L/XL... it's a great feeling.

    Just keep going until you feel good, when you look in the mirror and "damn I look sexy today". Lol. That's my goal, not necessarily a weight. The changes will come if you keep going, the time is going to pass anyways so just do your thing, you'll feel so so so much better and really, no one ever regretted going to the gym and getting healthy. lol. TAKE a BEFORE picture, I wish I had but I was just so repulsed by what I'd done to my body. TAKE measurements!! Seriously, the scale isn't the only thing to look at especially since your weight does fluctuate. Cardio is awesome, but getting in some serious strength training will bring you to the next level.

    Sorry for my long reply. Lol. Good luck girlfriend, never give up! Be the person that inspires someone else!! :)

    wow that's amazing!! im a size 14 right now but im hoping to lose some of these thunder thighs and getinto an 8 or ..ive come to the conclusion I will never be tiny,I have a larger frame and big is to be 150 but thats 60lbs lose..I weigh 207 right now, I lost three pounds in a week :)I hope I end up losing weight like everyone else! ive been working my butt off and Ive honestly never felt better! I have low confidence so ill probably never think I look sexy lol my husband thinks I am so that's a plus! I totally forgot to take measurements, you reminded me! thanks lol yeah I talked to a trainer and she said weight training also.I just started so hopefully ill get there, im just not ready yet.I am incorporating weights into my workouts though, so it's a start :)

    I appreciate the long reply, its inspiring and motivated me even more :) thanks so much for your support..feel free to add me hun :)

    sorry for the typos, I really don't write like that phone sucks and erases my words lol
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    Actually, I did see results right away. I had a lot of water weight at the beginning, and in my first couple weeks I dropped about 7 to 8 lbs. It really showed, especially in my stomach. However, the weight part was slow and steady, but I'm okay with that. I am set to lose 1 lbs a week, and it's been slower for me because I've made lots of mistakes. I always just keep going though. I've lost 15lbs since June, 178 to 163 as of this morning. My advice is to just keep going, don't be hard on yourself and treat yourself well through the process.