Should I be worried or concerned?

I am 235 pounds 5'5 and I am a smoker I am 24 years old and have 2 kids. I haven't ever exercised really except for the past 2 weeks I have been walking 2.4 miles a few times a week. The past couple day's though I have walked it back to to back. I am trying to go every day now. But now I have ppl at work telling me that I should talk to my doctor first about it becuase I could have a heart attack. I don't have high blood pressure but I do have bad cirrculation due to smoking and sitting most the day at work. Also where I walk there is a very steep hill I have to walk up and when I get up there, for the 1st 2-3 min I get very light headed and dizzy but I figured it was becuase of the elavation. But now that I have been told by so many ppl I shouldn't be walking as much it makes me wonder. If I find out I can't walk this trail anymore I will be so dissappointed I love this trail and look forwarded to walking it every day!!!! It's the only thing I can think of to keep me going!


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are getting dizzy then you should talk to your doctor. It could be many things. Unless you have a previous heart problem I don't know why heart attack would be the first thing ppl thought of at your age. Find out what it is, and don't stop exercising.
  • natash7
    natash7 Posts: 9
    Well the people at my job know my mom had a heart attack at a young age.... but what they don't know is that she did a lot of other things that I don't do... if you catch my drift!
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I would definatly talk to your doctor,better safe than sorry! Don't let it get you down though. Maybe just try and slow it down a little until you see a doctor, you may have to work up to the more intense walks until your body gets used to the activity.
  • sandynx820
    sandynx820 Posts: 23 Member
    The correct response is probably to talk to your doctor, but that would not be something I would do. I started this program in January and I am also 5'5", have poor circulation and weighed 231 when I started. The big difference here is I am 60 years old! I would always get a bit short of breath and a little dizzy, so I would just listen to my body and slow down a lot. I am now 31 pounds lighter and my doctor says he is proud of me for sticking with it.
  • natash7
    natash7 Posts: 9
    I just can't seem to get motivated to just walk down my street... I know that sounds so dumb but I love nature and love walking in these woods I love looking at birds and deer (if they don't see you first) I love being the only one out there it's so serene it's like just me and the world and that's it!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Is it very hot where you live right now? The heat can affect some people a lot, causing dizziness or even fainting. Do you have the same problem if you workout indoors?
  • natash7
    natash7 Posts: 9
    I do not work out indoors... and also I only get the dizziness when I come to the top of that hill. and It only last about 2-3 minutes then I am fine... I keep walking about another 45 minutes then trail ends....
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am 5'5" and at my highest I was a pack a day smoker and I'm sure I was at least 230 or 235. When I started I used to get dizzy too. Shortness of breath. The whole deal. I thought I was dying.

    I wasn't.

    Like someone else said, unless you have a previous heart problem, 24 year olds, don't have heart attacks. (Doctors mouth)

    I was reading an article a couple of weeks ago about something similar. The gist of it is that you can not hurt or damage your heart from exercising.

    If you are seriously concerned, check with your Dr.

    But I say get out there and keep on walking. You are doing yourself and your heart good.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    Be the tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race. Don't go too hard too fast. Dieting some weight away first will make the exercise easier.

    You say you have never exercised before. Some light-headedness is to be expected after vigorous exercise. Adrenaline and endorphins can make you feel a little "funny" after a workout. If you are so dizzy you need to find a tree to lean on to prevent falling over, then that's a problem.

    Also, try not to smoke while you walk or exercise (and ultimately the rest of the time too). Your circulatory system will thank you.