Accountability Partner


I am looking for a couple accountability partners to hold me accountable in my weight loss journey. I am 27, and I would like to lose around 50lbs. I tend to lose between 5-10 lbs & then gain it all back. If anyone else needs this, please let me know!


  • aurliz
    aurliz Posts: 1 Member
    Certainly can relate. I exercise 4 to 5 times a week and do MFP and lose then jump back up when I stop tracking. Trying to set a good example since I'm a Pediatrician but man its tough. Never tried partnering but if you're willing to tolerate a mid 40s male, let's give it a chance!
  • sdmartn86
    sdmartn86 Posts: 11 Member
    I could definitely use this! Have gone back and forth for 2 years. Time for a taste of victory!
  • nlespier
    nlespier Posts: 47 Member
    I'm game to add more "friends" that are active on MFP. I just started using MFP again this week. I'm looking at losing at total of 120lbs, but right now I'm focused on the first 20. My goal is to try to get that off by the end of the year. I'm 37 years old with 2 kids (9 and 2)
  • mays_goals
    mays_goals Posts: 1 Member
    Id like to join this group
    I'm 43 and I need to lose 115 lbs
    I recently had total reconstruction door surfer and I've gain a lot of weight. I've been able to walk in theses last four months but not much due to arthritis. Currently bed ridden :(
    I have a 10 year old son who is awesome but as of late I feel like a waste of space with no purpose except to exgist.
    This isn't an " oh poor me comment"
    No one around me understand my health and physical troubles or the fact I want to change my situation.
    Sure some say they will help and join me but they never do or it last a week.
    My emotional state is low I see no way improving my mobility situation till I lose weight. I don't expect anyone to actually read this let alone care. I know we all have busy lives and schedules.
    I wish I didn't like food so much!!!
    But I love food and I can eat in moderation, but being stuck with back issues isn't helping and yes these last 25 pounds are my fault " fast food , ice cream, pop " has been my main consumption in the last two months but it's killing me and I want to live be healthy for myself and my son !
    If anyone would like to be MFP buddy
    Let me know
    Sincerely-alone in the battle
  • orlybayu
    orlybayu Posts: 125 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Tend to diet and then stop and gain some weight back and repeat. I also want to lose about 50+. SW was 260 now I'm 235. Defiantly need someone to be accountable for me
  • shanico12
    shanico12 Posts: 1 Member
    I am always looking for more support/motivation. I have a back issue and am going to physical therapy and was told to not do any walking or well pretty much anything till its resolved. I too lose weight and then gain it back. Im gonna be 30. Tired of this losing battle!!
  • Sashysash2806
    Sashysash2806 Posts: 18 Member
    I am game to help
  • marymbradford18
    marymbradford18 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, you and I have similar goals! I am doing really good on my diet but awful at working out. How have you done this week?
  • mirandaleigh90
    mirandaleigh90 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to have an accountability buddy as well! I am 5'7 and 175lbs. My goal is to lose 30 pounds. I struggle with doing really well, losing some weight, then backsliding. I think it would be very beneficial to have someone message me and just remind me, or check in with me every once in a while.
  • fizzfizz
    fizzfizz Posts: 94 Member
    Hello - I'm doing OK on the exercise but terribly on the sugar snacks and sweet treat cravings, a bit of stress and I'm face down in chocolate ... came back to MFP recently after a busy life phase and was w-a-y too embarrassed to log my recent biscuit attacks. Just blanks! Some active accountability about logging would be great - I'm in!
  • mcmiller1127
    mcmiller1127 Posts: 2 Member
    I could definitely use a buddy to help me stay motivated and on track. I would be happy to return the favor! My goal is to lose about 30 pounds. I'll add you as a friend! :)
  • kaylene5
    kaylene5 Posts: 16 Member
    New friends are always great. I'll support you if you'll help me. I've lost about 20 lbs and have 25 to go.
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 105 Member
    I could definitely use an accountability buddy. I lost 75 pounds on MFP a few years ago, but fell off the wagon and "found" 65 of them over the last 2 years. I'm on day 8 of trying to get back on track.
  • tklincoln
    tklincoln Posts: 6 Member
    Would love more motivational friends. Add me!
  • kelsotoes17
    kelsotoes17 Posts: 1 Member
    I need an accountability group for sure!! Feel free to add me - I'll do what I can to keep everyone accountable!!
  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
    I could certainly use an accountability group!
  • josephka
    josephka Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I could definitely use an accountability partner and someone to kick me in the butt (virtually, of course)! I'm 47, live in the Chicago area, am 6'0 and weigh 308.