Runner girl in Washington!

Hi I just joined this group. I want to improve my eating habits. I recovered from a running injury. I'm 52 and need to remind myself I don't recover from injuries like I did when I was 18yo. I want to slow down the aging process and avoid a major illness. I'm now on track almost finished with Physical Therapy.
I had no idea I pushed myself to hard because I want to get in shape for training to do my second Tri race. I finally learned how to swim. I finally resolved my swimmers shoulder at last. I met with a trainer who set me up with a program to strengthen my core arms and legs. I'm so proud I can do 60 min planks with 10 sec break and 40 push-ups with out stopping. I would like to do my Triathlon next summer but not until I can swim half mile in a lake. I've never recorded what I've eaten. Starting last night I realized I'm eating way to much sugar. Any low sugar ideas snacks I'm open to try. I work in healthcare I use to frequently snack off of our goodie cart for patients and staff. Since I started back to working out I've lost the 10 lbs. that I packed on the last couple years. I still have a goal of losing about 8 lbs then my rebuild muscles to be about 120. I'm so happy to get back into my clothes comfortably. I feel better about myself. I'm sleeping better and coping with stress by not consuming sugar for lunch and dinner.


  • Steve__McD
    Steve__McD Posts: 27 Member
    I have been off sugar for 35 days now. It was a bit of a transition but now is really easy. Compared to everything else you've accomplished, just think of it as easy. (I know it isn't easy but you do many things that others can't do, so you have lots of reasons to be confident!) Good luck, and if you want friends along the way, feel free to add me. I've shed most most of my extra weight and now my real fitness goals kick in.

    All the best to you!