I've been at the same 172 pounds for the last 3 years now, even though I watch what I eat and get 'some' exercise.
I began My Fitness Pal and have been watching what I eat even more and logging everything! I've been adding
extra time and intensity to my walks and drinking more water.
Two days ago I was down 2 pounds - it was very exciting but short lived! I'm back at 172 with no explanation! Along
with walking, I've been doing extensive yard work and watching my carbs.
I can't seem to get below 170!!!
I NEED some ideas on how to shake it up. I am feeling better that when I was more sedentary, but the pounds just
stick to me like glue. Grrrrrrrr!!!!!
Any ideas???


    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Portion control, watch sodium level, keep below 2500mg, increase walking intensity, count calories, avoid sodium, drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Hi,

    That is very frustrating. I went to see a Dietician yesterday and to my surprise found out I wasn't taking in enough protien and overall calories. She explained that with working out and watching our calories that if we are not eating enough the body will start to "Store" so you can keep up with the work outs.
    So based on the food diaries I showed her I was not getting enough.

    You may want to look at this, maybe your body needs more fuel so it can burn more fat?

    Just a thought.

    Good Luck!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    start strength training.
  • nicakk01
    nicakk01 Posts: 71 Member
    Portion control, watch sodium level, keep below 2500mg, increase walking intensity, count calories, avoid sodium, drink 8 glasses of water a day.

    This worked for me tremendously! I fought breaking the platau mark for 8 yrs when finally, I came on here and just read everthing I could and found what worked for me! I am down 9lbs now. It can happen you WILL move past this mark!
  • thaismoreira
    thaismoreira Posts: 37 Member
    I've been at the same 172 pounds for the last 3 years now, even though I watch what I eat and get 'some' exercise.
    I began My Fitness Pal and have been watching what I eat even more and logging everything! I've been adding
    extra time and intensity to my walks and drinking more water.
    Two days ago I was down 2 pounds - it was very exciting but short lived! I'm back at 172 with no explanation! Along
    with walking, I've been doing extensive yard work and watching my carbs.
    I can't seem to get below 170!!!
    I NEED some ideas on how to shake it up. I am feeling better that when I was more sedentary, but the pounds just
    stick to me like glue. Grrrrrrrr!!!!!
    Any ideas???
    I am the same way with my weight... any response will be useful
  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    Watch your sodium level. You can add this column to your food diary. For me, I use only 1500. Good luck!
  • High intensity interval training. Get outside or somewhere you can do 30 second sprints then go from that to sit ups, to sprints, to weights. It will be challenging and the intervals of intensity will speed your heart up, then bring it down with the weights/calisthenics. The speeding up, then slowing down actually burns more fat/calories than doing running/eliptical/cardio at the same pace for an extended period of time. Push yourself here and you will see results, it good that you are watching what you are eating but kick up the exercise...big time. It will melt your fat, promise! I lost most of my baby weight like this. I need to follow my own advice I have been slacking bu this works!
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Portion control, watch sodium level, keep below 2500mg, increase walking intensity, count calories, avoid sodium, drink 8 glasses of water a day.

    Everything he said.

    I have to drink all the water I can and more cause Im a salty addict! I drink atleast 90 oz a day
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    I always see people talking about zig zagging calories...I haven't done it but maybe you can look at other forums and see what it's about.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Perhaps you aren't getting enough calories? If you're burning lots of calories you need to consume more. Also, watch the salt, cuz that will hold on to weight. Also, if the exercise you are doing isn't making the scale move, then go ahead and vary the exercise. CHange it up a bit, maybe even start doing some strength training.
  • Write yourself out a routine or find one online. This way you can track your progress and add/delete things as you get fitter.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Ya know what? The number on the scale is not always an accurate reflection of the state of our health. If you check your measurements from week to week, you will get another idea of where you really stand. Also - what I have recently learned about exercise (for myself) is that if I don't push myself harder and harder every time I work out, I might as well be enjoying myself crocheting. Especially as we get older & our muscle mass shrinks, it's important to really challenge our bodies. I've found that keeping an exercise journal really helps and weight training is ESSENTIAL. So - hope you feel better soon! All I can say is - dare yourself to do what you think is impossible....
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    i know exactly how you feel!
    iv been dieting for more than 2 years now, and iv gained about 11 pounds in these years...
    and iv tried everything...

    i once went on a diet that did work!
    i ate 1,000 calories a day and i burned 200 calories by exercising.
    but one day i didnt exercise and ever since then i havent been able to eat only 1,000 calories..
    its just too difficult to eat that little now..

    but maybe one day il be able to go back to that diet again..
  • BabyRaven
    BabyRaven Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you! Everyone that replied to my frustration - you all have great ideas. I've tried some of them in the past and they all work in combination with each other. It's just so hard sometimes when you want to see results right away and it take longer than you expect. I will take note of all of your ideas and hopefully have some positive results very soon.
    Thanks again everyone!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    i know exactly how you feel!
    iv been dieting for more than 2 years now, and iv gained about 11 pounds in these years...
    and iv tried everything...

    i once went on a diet that did work!
    i ate 1,000 calories a day and i burned 200 calories by exercising.
    but one day i didnt exercise and ever since then i havent been able to eat only 1,000 calories..
    its just too difficult to eat that little now..

    but maybe one day il be able to go back to that diet again..
    Eating 1,000 cals a day is too low, you need to eat at least 1,200 maybe more.

    As to the OP, I cant see your diet, but it could be a variety of things: too much sodium, not eating enough calories, too much processed food. You might need to cut back on dairy or gluten. 40% of people have diary sensitivities and 70% have problems digesting gluten(wheat). Try cutting back on these items and increasing your fresh fruit/veg and water consumption.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    You should open your food diary so we can take a look to see if there is more advice to offer up. Think about have been essentially maintaining on whatever your average calorie intake is -- for the past 3 years. Is that average a realistic amount for the amount of calories you could be burning? I have a similar issue in regards to not really being able to drop the few pounds I would like to. I have been at the same weight for about a year. I am 'maintaining' on an average of 1200-1400 a day. I am beginning to really think I need to eat MORE to lose/let go of the fat.

    Anyhow, again, you may consider opening your diary.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    I've been at the same 172 pounds for the last 3 years now, even though I watch what I eat and get 'some' exercise.

    How much exercise are you really getting? I was walking 30-45 min. daily and nothing was happening, then I got a heart rate monitor to track my calories burned during exercise...learned I was only burning between150-200 calories. I've since ditched the walking and stepped it up to circuit training (cardio/weights) and step aerobics. Once I was able to burn 500-700 calories working out at least 4-5 times a week, the weight and inches have really started to come off.

    If you aways do what you've always done, you're always going to have what you've always had....time to shake it up! You've got to burn more calories than you are taking in, if you are accurately tracking your food caloires, time to start accurately counting the ones you burn :)