21 Day Fix

I'm sure there have been 12398497234 posts about the 21 Day Fix, but I don't want to look for them. :) What are your opinions on the program? Is it really that much more helpful? Have you had success/failure with it? Does it help you stay more accountable?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Really expensive tupperware. Buy a food scale instead.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Those containers aren't going to be accurate. I think it would be more of a hassle to load everything into them than it would be to simply weigh your food on a scale. And then there's the cost. You can do something more accurate and simple for free.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    edited November 2015
    Agree about the containers; they aren't accurate, and they're expensive for no reason. Calorie counting and a food scale is a better investment.

    As for the workouts, lots of people seem to like them, but personally videos aren't my thing. People seem to have good things to say about fitness blender workouts, which are free, and may be a good alternative if you don't want to spend that much money. But, like I said, other people say they enjoy the program, so I guess it's up to what you want to spend your money on.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    We have a group of user here (not coaches) who are doing the program, might want to check it out and see what people who are doing it are saying about what they like/dislike. Not everyone follows the program exactly in that group, so you'll get to see a bunch of different approaches and tweaks that worked for them.

  • The_Weaze
    The_Weaze Posts: 511 Member
    You can easily find the measurements online and get an idea of a meal plan without spending any money. Weighing food instead of using cups/containers is much more accurate though.
  • kaleforlife
    kaleforlife Posts: 23 Member
    Really expensive tupperware. Buy a food scale instead.

    :lol: It reminded me of the Richard Simons "Deal A Meal" scheme and as you say expensive tupperware.

    Like the others have suggested, buy a scale because it will help you with portion control.
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    It's you need something super structured like that with all the DVDs and add-ons, go for it. But you can get a lot of that info online. I was curious about the container sizes and found tons of info on Pinterest. I could pretty much do a DIY version if I wanted to without spending a dime.

    With that being said... I think it's smart if you REALLY need help with portion control to start there but a more long term investment would be a food scale and logging everything here. Good luck!
  • sherry_ann_mt
    sherry_ann_mt Posts: 100 Member
    it is working for me....the containers is not was you are really paying for. Its the Shakeology that is actually the spendy item. But I like the shakeology much better than other I have tried (i.e. Advocare, Isogenix) I also like the dvd and streaming workouts. I get that it is probably cheaper to go to a class at a gym however I am someone who is far to self conscious to go to a gym and when it comes to exercising I am a beginner. The dvd's really have helped me. I know that a scale is more accurate and you can look up the measurements of the containers but the support I am getting in my group is well worth it to me. I have only used MFP to double check that the calories are accurate...which they have been. To me it has been well worth it and is less expensive than my starbucks/diet pepsi habit use to be.
  • QueenKristine77
    QueenKristine77 Posts: 67 Member
    Really expensive tupperware. Buy a food scale instead.

    yes, this x1000

  • twohourshower37
    twohourshower37 Posts: 37 Member
    I learned after about 10 years to stop trying the lose weight fast programs or 7 day or 14 day detox etc...weight loss and sustaining it is a life long precess, I finally realized I had to exercise and eat better as a way of life for good.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I learned after about 10 years to stop trying the lose weight fast programs or 7 day or 14 day detox etc...weight loss and sustaining it is a life long precess, I finally realized I had to exercise and eat better as a way of life for good.

    21 Day Fix IS a program about healthy diet and exercise habits for life though, not a lose weight quick thing. The 21 days comes from the idea that it takes 21 days to form a habit.

    That being said, I did several rounds but I weighed all my food and I didn't buy into the Shakeology BS. I enjoyed the workouts and got great results. I've moved onto more challenging workouts now though.