Sweet potato in my daily diet?

I usually eat 1 boiled egg (large) for dinner, and I was wondering if sweet potato is a good substitution for it (not always but maybe alternate every other day). I'm planning on taking a half-size sweet potato. I was looking up online, and the calorie is relatively ok, about 130cal per 100g, but carb is like 25g.. I try to be on a low carb diet therefore try to avoid it. Maybe I'm ignorant about it, I don't know. What do you think? My daily diet is eggs and chicken breast.


  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Is that literally all that you eat? Eggs and chicken breast? That would destroy me... and then the stink would destroy everyone around me.
  • qkrzazzang
    qkrzazzang Posts: 67 Member
    edited November 2015
    Is that literally all that you eat? Eggs and chicken breast? That would destroy me... and then the stink would destroy everyone around me.

    Yes, I try to be strict on it.. I also prefer low calorie food, but bigger portion. It's just dinner that I try to be on a low scale though.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    If that's all that you eat, well... why do you restrict so much? Do you plan on eating that way forever? This is not a healthy dietary choice. I mean, where do you get your micronutrients? How even do you get all your needed macro nutrients? Is there a reason that you only eat this way? Is this enjoyable? What is your daily caloric intake?

    Your diary is closed so I can't look and see if you are even eating enough calories to keep you alive.

    Sorry for asking so many questions or if I seem rude... I'm just a little astounded by this and trying to understand.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    An egg will give you protein and fat. A sweet potato will give you carbs. I'm not sure why you'd want to substitute one for the other.
  • qkrzazzang
    qkrzazzang Posts: 67 Member
    If that's all that you eat, well... why do you restrict so much? Do you plan on eating that way forever? This is not a healthy dietary choice. I mean, where do you get your micronutrients? How even do you get all your needed macro nutrients? Is there a reason that you only eat this way? Is this enjoyable? What is your daily caloric intake?

    Your diary is closed so I can't look and see if you are even eating enough calories to keep you alive.

    Sorry for asking so many questions or if I seem rude... I'm just a little astounded by this and trying to understand.

    I just have a goal which I want to reach, so no I won't be eating this way forever. Not saying that I will start eating junk food again afterwards however. And I take in about 1200cal a day. I've been like this for 3 months now and I feel healthier than before.. that's why I'm asking about sweet potato which seems to consist of lots of good vitamins.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Sweet potato is a great food and used as a staple by bodybuilders since well, a long time.

    Sweet potato would be a great addition to your diet.

    The reason I ask about eating that way forever is that, generally, the advice given is not to restrict things that you don't plan to restrict forever. But by all means, if it works for you and your doctor has no complaints, do what works for you. I just can't imagine eating that way. I'd go crazy and kill someone for some, even a tiny bit of variety.
  • qkrzazzang
    qkrzazzang Posts: 67 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    An egg will give you protein and fat. A sweet potato will give you carbs. I'm not sure why you'd want to substitute one for the other.

    Well, I already eat two large eggs as a part of my breakfast anyways.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    The sweet potato is a good idea. It looks like you need the variety you will get from its nutrients.
  • qkrzazzang
    qkrzazzang Posts: 67 Member
    Sweet potato is a great food and used as a staple by bodybuilders since well, a long time.

    Sweet potato would be a great addition to your diet.

    The reason I ask about eating that way forever is that, generally, the advice given is not to restrict things that you don't plan to restrict forever. But by all means, if it works for you and your doctor has no complaints, do what works for you. I just can't imagine eating that way. I'd go crazy and kill someone for some, even a tiny bit of variety.

    That's very true. I just chose to eat this way for a certain period of time because I felt like starting out strict, and getting less strict and eating more variety as time goes would help me in terms of sustaining healthy diet for the rest of my life.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    So, individual foods aren't healthy or unhealthy by themselves; they're just combinations of macros. If you want to know if that swap is a good or bad idea, you need to look at your diet as a whole. Do you need carbs, or the vitamins in a sweet potato? Then it's a good addition. Do you need more protein or fat? Then an egg would be a better idea. But you can't tell if one would be better for you than another without looking at your full diet.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Is that literally all that you eat? Eggs and chicken breast? That would destroy me... and then the stink would destroy everyone around me.
    Add a good white sauce...and game--set--match. I'd be living outside.....the stench would kill roaches.