3 Month Plateau

So i still havent lost any additional weight...in the past 50 days went over calories 8 times - worked them off the next few days.

Workout on average 4 days a week - more than that usually but thats my average.

Nada weight loss.

Still the same weight and inches. Any tips?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am not sure what you have MFP set at but when you have so little to lose it really needs to be set at losing 0.5 pounds/week from my experience. I hit a plateau and I started upping my calories and the weight started moving again (my plateau lasted almost 2 months). I posted about it here:
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I've had a 3 month plateau too. I'm trying the zig zagging method now. I think I was exercising too much and not eating enough. So we'll see how zig zagging works.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Really can't tell you anything without knowing what exactly you're eating. Open your diary and then people will be able to give you better advice. General tips - cut out processed foods and restaurant/fast foods, limit alcohol, increase fruits and vegetables and lean proteins, watch carbs, watch sodium, drink more water. Another thing, you mentioned going over on calories 8 times but working them off over the next few days - understand that most people overestimate the amount they burn off, and underestimate the amount they eat, so your calculations may be off and you are effectively maintaining your weight.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I haven't dropped a ounce in 3 weeks or gained any and i'm always under my weekly calorie goal. I know going lower in cals is not the answer. Maybe i'll raise it to 1/2 pound loss a week and actually hit my calorie goal instead of close or not close.
  • penguinfan03
    penguinfan03 Posts: 32 Member
    It may help to reduce your carbs and up your protein intake for a while, if you're not doing that already. I was consistently creating a calorie deficit of 600 calories a day and not losing anything for over a month... and then I reevaluated and found that my carb goal in my diary was really high. I reset my calorie intake goals to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat (I believe MFP defaulted me at 55/15/30, WOAH on the carbs), and I've started steadily losing again. I'm quickly learning that it's not just about how many calories in and out, but what kind of calories they are. And I still get enough carbs in a day to eat fruit, yogurt, maybe a little pasta salad... I found that for the most part I'm still eating what I always ate, I'm just very concious about how much bread I eat (which is now practically none).

    Hope that helps a little :)
  • loosinit4
    loosinit4 Posts: 3
    I use a HRM so Im hoping that its accurate. I'll work out for 1.5 hour if I went over calories to make sure i burned off the extra cals.