
Just made my diary available to use all. As use can see not been eating anywhere near enough the past 3 days but that's cause of the binges. Recovering anorexic, well failing recovering anorexic. 5ft 11 119 pounds. Weighed myself 3 days ago after a big drink and dinner and I was 124 so freaked out even though most/all water weight and now the next 3 days we'll use can see back to original weight 119. How do I overcome the barrier. Any tips on how to eat more and for those anorexics how do I not binge cause a feel it's making me relapse? Please any help would be great. Really want to overcome this


  • alnvann
    alnvann Posts: 4 Member
    Have you any understanding of why you have a need to binge, have you looked at this in therapy, is there a trigger? are you focused on the numerical side, scared of the numbers going up, even though you want to put weight on. Most people that I have worked with any sort of eating disorder have a poor relationship with food but also a rigid numerical relationship with the numbers on the scales. This sometimes causes a conflict with the desire to put weight on in opposition to the number on the scale going up which creates fear. Don't know if that makes sense or even if it applies to you, just a thought. One of the big things I have learned is that scales lie to you anyway, they are unable to differentiate muscle from fat, they draw you into a number. Have you tried eating smaller meals throughout the day, maybe 5-6 balanced meals ( I know this maybe difficult ), maybe if you prepared meals in advance for the day ahead it might create a focus on what you need to eat rather than resorting to binge. Maybe even log them into your diary in advance to create a new healthy habit. I know this works for me all my food is logged either the night before or first thing in the morning and I stick to it (mostly). I don't know if this helped but I wish you luck on your journey.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It's my understanding that bingeing is common in recovery, and it would probably need to be addressed differently than bingeing would if it were occurring in a different situation. You're a student, right? It's time to go to the health center and get some outside help. Whatever excuse you have for not seeking help (no insurance, no time, embarrassment, whatever), it's not important. Nothing is more important than getting healthy.
  • mariadalmadi
    mariadalmadi Posts: 16 Member
    I thinks you took the first step. You know you have problems, you know you've underweight .for your height you should be min 132pound , if this is your goal why you scared when you 124? Did you ask for help? Do your family know you have problems? You don't need eat huge amount of food just small portion but regularly. Because you starved your body when you eat now normally your body safe everything this is why you gaining quickly , but after few weeks be normal . I don't go to the gym too I do some sit up and weight lifting at home ( with 1.5 kg) I have similar goal I need 13 pounds too . You should think about how started your problem? Somebody mentioned you you're fat or something? Until you're mentally not right you not able to do this . I hope you in the good path now and don't give up ! Remember just in small steps !
  • mariadalmadi
    mariadalmadi Posts: 16 Member
    Calculate how much calories you eat now and try eat just a little bit more , also if you put your food in a bigger plate looks smaller and don't freak you out , and don't check your weight just ones a week ! If you put on some weight reward yourself with something.
  • adbhmb
    adbhmb Posts: 37 Member
    Read Brain Over Binge. Really good book, and it may help.