Take Away Cheat Night

A good old fatty take-away night in. We all deserve one now and again, and I usually save mine for a lazy Sunday that I have a hangover which needs cured. My question is, WHAT is ultimately the 'healthiest,' option: Dominos Pizza, Chinese TA, Indian TA, Kababs or my Standard Local Chippy (hotdog, fish and chip or SF chicken burger and chip). I'm usually torn between Chinese & Pizza, and although pizza seems healthier I can't help but feel it's not because it's so carby and obviously the all the greasy cheese! I am dying to know and cannot find the answers anywhere online! And just how bad are the others?


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It depends. Pizza can mean a lot of things. A deep dish meat lover pizza vs. a thin crust veggie pizza will vary greatly in nutrient and calorie composition. Likewise, a stir fry with non-breaded meat with hot and sour soup is going to vary greatly from sweet and sour deep fried chicken and egg rolls with a ton of rice.

    How good or bad these things are depends on you, and medical restrictions you may have and your overall diet.

    When I'm splurging I go for what I want most without letting it turn into a massive binge that completely negates a week's deficit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What do you REALLY want to eat? I don't understand the concept of 'cheating' just for the sake of it, to be honest. I only go over if it's something I really want... If I don't want it that badly that I'm not sure what I want to eat, I go for something that has less calories and fits in my daily calories instead (so in your case, maybe chicken and broccoli with sauce on the side or something, or some grilled shrimp and veggies at the Chinese place).

    Just IMO.
  • sarahjaneohare
    sarahjaneohare Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys, you've really given me really important things to consider