Workout suggestions when you have a baby around??

My boyfriend is out of town till Sunday which means I can't go to the gym because I have an 18 month old son to watch all day. Does anyone have any suggestions on work out ideas that I can do with my son to burn calories? I've been walking for about 30 minutes the past 2 days with him but I get bored and don't burn very many calories! Any suggestions??


  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    Does your gym have a kids club? My daughter LOVES it, and we both get a break!!
  • rebysue
    rebysue Posts: 136
    I either do a workout video while they are sleeping, get up before they do, or put them in a stroller and jog (burns a lot more calories than walking). Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a really good one to do when you have little ones. It is 27 minutes start to finish (including warm up and cool down) and it is pretty intense!
  • divajj107
    divajj107 Posts: 17
    Does he nap?

    I work out when my son naps and have DVD's that fit into that time frame...
  • bskupien
    bskupien Posts: 58 Member
    Do you have Exercise TV in your area? It's free and they have great workouts. Buy some workout DVDs or borrow workout DVDs from your library. Get some weights and do some toning and ab exercises at your house. Just some ideas...
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I have a 2 year old and I either bring her for a walk , put her in a backpack and walk (WHOA- carrying around 25# and hiking!) play outside or go to the park (lots of running around) or I do the wii active 2 before she wakes up or right after she goes to bed. I usually do the wii active when she goes to bed - because then I can do as much of a workout as I can handle, because she is sleeping and I don't worry about her getting up. I know a lot of people make comments like, "Why do people do workouts on tv when they can go to a gym?" Because I CAN'T go to a gym. I am with a toddler all day until she goes to bed and who wants to head out to a gym at 8pm?
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Squats and lunges shadow boxing. You can do these while he's sleeping and they don't making any noise. If he's awake you can try your squats while hold him and it'll be super hard.

    Baby lifts. Sit on the edge of your couch and lift him from the floor to up over your head.
  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120
    I have two little ones & sneak my work outs in when they nap too. My DVD library is mostly ebay finds or cheap from Target. My daughter is 5 now and actually enjoys doing some with me!!
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Our little guy kept me from going from my outdoor run the other day, so I just made up my own indoor workout.

    1 pullup + 2 pushups + 3 free squats + :35sec jump rope = 1:00, then, without resting, complete the cycle 25 more times. That makes for a tough 25 minute workout. There are lots of make-shift indoor workouts you can come up with by just using a little imagination. :-D
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I have a 2 year old and I either bring her for a walk , put her in a backpack and walk (WHOA- carrying around 25# and hiking!) play outside or go to the park (lots of running around) or I do the wii active 2 before she wakes up or right after she goes to bed. I usually do the wii active when she goes to bed - because then I can do as much of a workout as I can handle, because she is sleeping and I don't worry about her getting up. I know a lot of people make comments like, "Why do people do workouts on tv when they can go to a gym?" Because I CAN'T go to a gym. I am with a toddler all day until she goes to bed and who wants to head out to a gym at 8pm?

    I should re-word that. I, personally, don't want to go to a gym at 8pm :)
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    My boyfriend is out of town till Sunday which means I can't go to the gym because I have an 18 month old son to watch all day. Does anyone have any suggestions on work out ideas that I can do with my son to burn calories? I've been walking for about 30 minutes the past 2 days with him but I get bored and don't burn very many calories! Any suggestions??

    I definitely understand the feelng...I have my twin babies and my 2 year old. So what I do is get on the treadmill and do intervals of walking/jogging. Now if there is no excercise equipment in the house dvd's or even youtube video workouts can help. I usually move the babies around so they dont get so bored. Also when they take naps is the best time
  • cl0udy21
    cl0udy21 Posts: 11
    I agree with the PP. My daughter is only 5 months and during her nap time, I fit in a workout of The 30 Day Shred. You could also try to take an afternoon walk around 5-6pm (I usually go around that time b/c the sun isn't too strong).

    This may sound silly.. but I sometimes put music (LOUD) and dance around the house with my daughter. She seems to like it a lot. :laugh:
  • VanessaFaulkner
    Put some kid music on & dance with the kiddo. Do lifts (press) holding the kid, out them on Ur legs & lift up & down
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I have a 17 month old and a 7 week old,I exercise when they nap and if that doesnt work then Ill sneak in 10-20min of work out tapes or with my wii. I talk to my toddler and try to include him and that usually buys me a few minutes at least! Something is better than nothing!
  • tanyizzle
    tanyizzle Posts: 56 Member
    I have a 18 month old as well and I normally do a workout video when he is awake and he loves to watch. He will also try to do what I am doing, Its great bonding time. I will wait till his nap time and then use my elliptical.