Weight loss tips

Hello everyone, I want to loose a bit of weight around 1-2 stone. As I'm knew to this weight loss game im a bit unsure of what exercises will benefit me the most!! If any one has any tips if would be greatly appreciated!!


  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Weight loss is caused by consuming less than you burn. The best exercise in the world is walking, most anyone can do it, it can be done just about anywhere, and no special equipment is needed.

    Do whatever exercise you enjoy but the key is reducing calorie consumption (eat less).
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Anything that can get your heart rate up and you breathing heavy is good! Walking is great ( and no gym or fancy equipment needed beyond food shoes!), but a bike ride or swim or a bit of yoga works, too if you have a place to do 'em!
  • indygo13
    indygo13 Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2015
    Weight will lie to your self image. The more important factor is your composition. Muscle is more dense and therefore weighs more than fat does per cubic inch. You can be smaller over all and weigh more! Shift your focus and you will win!

    Try to be conciously of eating enough protine rich foods, while reducing your carbohydrate intake a tiny bit. Then work in some strength training with your cardiovascular activities such as aerobics or bike riding. Anything that will allow you to keep your heart rate up a bit as well as add some resistance training. Find your favorite workout dVD or check out some of the fitness mags. They usually have a couple good routines for target areas. Don't focus on how much you weigh, focus on how good you look in it!

    Good luck!