
yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
Im 4'10 and I was 130. I would like to get to 115.and now I am stuck around 121.5 pounds. Any suggestions on how to break this stall?

I use this tracker to keep my calories low, but I also watch it to make sure my carbs are quite low.


  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Drink lots of water.
    Cut your sodium to 1000 mg/day
    stay under on your calories.
    Don't eat processed foods.
    This works.
  • nurse_carolyn
    Drink lots of water.
    Cut your sodium to 1000 mg/day
    stay under on your calories.
    Don't eat processed foods.
    This works.

    great advice, also try and change up your exercise program to "shock" your system and boost your metabolism. Your body gets used to the same old same old so change it up, hope that helps:) good luck...
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    I drink about 8-10 8 ounce glasses a day
    I eat low sodium
    I rarely eat processed foods
    I stay under my calories most of the time
    I exercise when I can
    .....Not working
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Well, not sure if this is going to work, but:
    - You could eat in excess (e.g. if you daily limit is 1600, just eat 1900)
    - Exercise to burn these extra 300 cals (or whatever you ate in excess), probably better if you do cardio to burn these.

    Do that for a week or two, then go back to normal.

    The theory (and I have never tried so you might want to do your own research) is that your body will burn more food during this week and keep burning the cals for some time after you do this, and so you will mechanically burn more calories for a while.

    I think this is a trick used in bodybuilding.

    EDIT: Just saw the post above. My opinion (and this is all it is, my opinion) is that you should eat more + exercise more (which differs slightly from the people above), since your body will then get used to burn all the food you eat (i.e. it will burn these 1900 for a while in my example).
    However, the method I describe is supposed to be used in "short bursts" (for breaking plateau, losing body fat when you are low already etc) - so is not really sustainable, so it might not be what you want...
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah I'll try to change it up. I may have to get back on my DDR again! I lost 12 lbs off that before in a few weeks. It was crazy!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    What kind of exercise do you do?
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I drink about 8-10 8 ounce glasses a day
    I eat low sodium
    I rarely eat processed foods
    I stay under my calories most of the time
    I exercise when I can
    .....Not working

    That's great, but if it's not working try:
    drink more water
    stay under calories more consistently
    exercise more often
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    What kind of exercise do you do?

    Mainly cardio with some weight training
  • mrharper68
    mrharper68 Posts: 10
    Do not let your calorie intake get too low.
    will 6 pounds really make you that much happier?
    Do you have a realistic goal weight?
  • mrharper68
    mrharper68 Posts: 10
    Do not let your calorie intake get too low.
    will 6 pounds really make you that much happier?
    Do you have a realistic goal weight?
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    Do not let your calorie intake get too low.
    will 6 pounds really make you that much happier?
    Do you have a realistic goal weight?

    My calorie intake is no less than 1,200. Yes it would make me happier to lose those 6 lbs. I am extremely small and what people do not seem to notice is that such small amounts of weight make a big difference for somebody my size. I am 4'10. And my goals are realistic cause one year ago I was this weight.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Are you sleeping enough? Make sure you are sleeping and try to get 7 hours a night minimum. If you are getting in enough hours of sleep find out if you snore or kick etc because you might not be getting quality sleep. If you sleep alone you can ask your primary care about doing a sleep study.

    Increase your calories to maintenance for a few weeks and drop down on your exercise to change things up on your body. Change what you're eating too - then add in exercise before you reduce your calories.

    And stick to this site and these awesome people :)
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