I need a new challenge!

I've been running. I ran my half marathon last weekend and I'm really tired of long distances. It took me a full 48 hours to recover from the long runs at the end and I had to spend too much time away from my family. I enjoy running, but I much prefer the 3-6 mile distance range rather than longer distances. I'd like to keep my ability to run for an hour if I want to, but I really want to try something new.

I'm not particularly fond of classes, but I will do it if the workout is right. I strongly dislike any kind of dance or choreographed exercise because I'm really bad at it! I want to lift more, but I want something I can do at home or in the gym.

I need structure. Any suggestions on "programs" I can follow. It can be lifting at the gym or DVDs at home. I own several fitness DVDs and can stream videos, but I need a plan that says, "Do this today..." or else I get overwhelmed by the options.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    If you want to lift more, then StrongLifts 5x5, Ice Cream Fitness 5x5, Strong Curves, or New Rules of Lifting For Women would all work.

    SL5x5 is probably the most basic of all of them (only needs a barbell, rack, and bench) and works on a simple ABA/BAB schedule. Your choice of routine would depend on overall goals though.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    If you really enjoy running but not the distance, why not change your focus to increasing your speed for shorter distance racers. Training for a 10K or 5K can be just as challenging as a HM if you have a particular time goal in mind.

    Or maybe try a program like P90X or New Rules of Lifting for Women. Do you have access to weights?
  • janiep81
    janiep81 Posts: 248 Member
    Yes! I have a gym membership.
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    I have been doing the running challenges of just hitting a certain mileage at the end of the month, that way I can do whatever mileage I want on whatever day, just as long as I hit my miles on the last day.
  • denisegetskinny
    denisegetskinny Posts: 21 Member
    Julian Michaels has some really good workouts on dvd, one is only 24 minutes from start to finish and it kicks butt!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Triathlons? The shorter ones can be a lot of fun without requiring huge amounts of training (like anything else, you can take it as far as you wish). Class-wise, if your gym has something like Bodypump (smallish weights, high reps), it's a class that doesn't require any dancing ability. With winter here, I alternate Bodypump days with traditional strength training days. Some folks like spinning classes (personally, I hate biking in place, but it's personal preference thing).
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Jillian michaels, Fitness blender rocks!!
    All found on YouTube.
  • p_andrews10
    p_andrews10 Posts: 6 Member
    janiep81 wrote: »
    I've been running. I ran my half marathon last weekend and I'm really tired of long distances. It took me a full 48 hours to recover from the long runs at the end and I had to spend too much time away from my family. I enjoy running, but I much prefer the 3-6 mile distance range rather than longer distances. I'd like to keep my ability to run for an hour if I want to, but I really want to try something new.

    I'm not particularly fond of classes, but I will do it if the workout is right. I strongly dislike any kind of dance or choreographed exercise because I'm really bad at it! I want to lift more, but I want something I can do at home or in the gym.

    I need structure. Any suggestions on "programs" I can follow. It can be lifting at the gym or DVDs at home. I own several fitness DVDs and can stream videos, but I need a plan that says, "Do this today..." or else I get overwhelmed by the options.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    I love boxing! You can download a class on YouTube, I bought a bag and gloves best workout ever!