Off the wagon and feeling like crap

I was doing very well this week and lost a 3 lbs but today everything went pear shaped

I went for a run, did weights...etc and then DH and me went out for lunch and I ate a little too much, and then he got ice cream. Feeling so bad, I went for a small nap and woke up to some coffee and 5 chocolate fingers :( I did not have any dinner but did eat some peanut chocolate cups from the ben and jerrys ice cream (which my son has left out).....

its terrible, I feel like crap and hating myself I just want to cry...cant believe I am going to be fat forever


  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    You are feeling vulnerable and those feelings will pass, but honestly this whole process is about bucking up and doing what you have to do. You practice, you fail, you'll end up missing a goal or two here and there but the key is to always keep trying. I can't tell you how many days like yours I've had over the past few months, trying and trying to get back to my "plan".

    Drink some water, sit down and plan tomorrow. What will you eat? Pre-log it, and do your best tomorrow. Maybe you stick to your plan until dinner then have a bowl of ice cream that puts you over. So then you plan again for the next day, and either work the ice cream in to your daily calorie goal, or try harder to avoid it. Each day is an opportunity to learn more about what's going to work for you. You didn't gain it all back in one day honey, but you can't expect results if you don't change your behavior and finally be honest with yourself. The day I FINALLY realized the only reason I'm fat is ME and my own choices was the day I both stopped feeling guilty for eating what I want (with moderate portions), and started loving the body I have. Hating myself wont lead to success, it only leads to days like this.

    Plan more, log all your food (even what you maybe wish you'd avoided), and keep on learning. You WILL get there!
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    You can't let just 1 day bring you down. Log it all and move on.
  • capebretoner1
    capebretoner1 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been there and done that but as strong curves said don't let that slip stop you from carrying on. I find that when I am overeating I feel as you and sometimes it just isn't for one day. I get back to the program and I always feel better mentally for doing so. YOU CAN DO IT.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    One good day doesn't mean you've succeeded. One bad day doesn't mean you've failed.

    You can't time travel. All you can do is move forward and try to do the best you can.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Does falling and skinning a knee mean you will forever be unable to ride a bike?

    Log it and move on. One day makes no real difference, what matters is the accumulation of hundreds of days.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The thing that helped me most this time was getting over the thought that I needed to be perfect or it wouldn't work. A good plan will give you room for imperfection, and even if you ate over maintenance on one day look at the week as a whole and figure out what you can learn from the experience -- what happened, what can you do to make it easier? The main thing is that messing up on occasion is human, not a reason to chuck it all and quit!
  • lucky_lemon
    lucky_lemon Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost quite a bit of weight this year, but gave up on it for a couple of months. I just found mfp and it made me want to continue on to my goal. My point being a few bad days are not the end of the world. Climb back on the wagon and keep going. You're gonna get there!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If I had given up every time I ate too much, I wouldn't be 80 pounds lighter now.

    It's just one day. If you stick to MFP at even the 'lose 1 lb a week' setting, you'll probably make up for it in less than 2 days. It's hardly 'forever'.

    Log it and move on. It happens to most of us...
  • sunshinepink
    sunshinepink Posts: 2 Member
    thank u :( I know tommorrow is another day to start over...just feeling the disappointment of today
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    The one true help is logging and moving on. One day isn't bad at all. I swear, I have like 3 crappy eating/drinking days every week, but I am still determined!
  • queenofpuppies
    queenofpuppies Posts: 189 Member
    be kind to yourself. You deserve to feel good and you should let yourself celebrate your successes, be grateful for the challenge before you because it will make you a stronger person, and never ever quit. Its a long road so keep moving forward.
  • langda
    langda Posts: 23 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    Does falling and skinning a knee mean you will forever be unable to ride a bike?

    Log it and move on. One day makes no real difference, what matters is the accumulation of hundreds of days.

    Well said!!!
  • sunshineblue1
    sunshineblue1 Posts: 60 Member
    be kind to yourself. You deserve to feel good and you should let yourself celebrate your successes, be grateful for the challenge before you because it will make you a stronger person, and never ever quit. Its a long road so keep moving forward.

    that's lovely, thank you.....:)
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    I had an episode of overeating and drinking during the Halloween weekend. I felt terrible about it. With the golden advice of my MFP friends, I realized that it is indeed a small blip on the screen of one's life. I got back in the saddle that Monday and just last weekend am down over 2 lbs.! If a baby stopped trying to walk after it fell one time, we would all be crawling.... :smiley: Some of us have such perfectionistic thinking that it gets in the way of the messy, creative thing we call life. The point is you are are succeeding and sometimes not. Just keep will get there when you get there.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    No one's perfect 100% of the time. We're human, screwing up is what we do. And it's what we do next that matters more.