How can i escape sodium?

I do so good on everything BUT MY SODIUM INTAKE. And I know I eat to many premade frozen meals, but there is only so much time in a day. does anyone have any ideas that might help me out


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Looks like you already know what to do to eliminate the sodium, the next step is just to do it. If you need convenience meals make them all on sunday and freeze or put it in the fridge and take it whenever you need!
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I'm not always a saint in this department, but find eating frozen meals (when time is short) that have under 300 grms is better for the daily intake.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Healthy choice and lean cusine have lower sodium and I eat them once in a while. I make extra frozen vegetables with them to make them more filling if I am eating them for dinner. 500-600 mg is not bad for a dinner. I don't know if it enough for you but if you are not able to cook add veggies and maybe some low carb bread Piece of fruit for dessert. Also if you have one day off Grill tons of Boneless Chicken, and maybe a london broil. cut it all up and freeze it in plastic bags. take out a portion and defrost for a min or two in the microwave. Through a potato in the microwave or some pre-cooked rice, some frozen veggies, a bag salad and you have dinner in under 15 minutes. No excuses. Hope it helps.
  • loseatonlady
    loseatonlady Posts: 160
    Best way to avoid sodium is making it yourself - it's a LOT of work - but best bet!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Take a look at my profile page. I have to limit sodium due to kidney stones. You can look at my diary for ideas too.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    If you're constantly over your sodium and just CAN'T manage to get under, at least make sure you're drinking LOTS of extra water to help flush things out.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Yes, cook on weekends and freeze it! Then you have your own frozen meals that are low in sodium, and free of artificial chemicals and preservatives. Crock pots are good for that too. You can make a stewor something, freeze the leftovers.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    more natural foods; doesnt take time.
    Right now im eating a salad with spinach, chicken (i premake a bag of chicken on a boredom or off day), a tbls of almonds, mushrooms, and a few slices of celery/carrot (no dressing, i season with garlic, red pepper flakes, and pepper). Its 271g of sodium due to the chicken (but other brands have less sodium). For breakfast i had an omelet with frozen spinach and sliced mushrooms thrown in (took under 5 minutes total). Snacks took just a minute to throw in some baggies--almonds, strawberries, banana, baby carrots. Dinner will take awhile tonight cuz im making steak and roasted potatoes. and night snack is peanut butter with celery. All of these items are all natural items (no processed foods), and will take me no more than 40minutes out of my entire day to make them all, combined, and my sodium is 837g today.

    skip processed foods, they have the most; but even if u threw in one processed meal into this kind of menu for the rest of the day, youd still be below 1500g for the day. look at my diary for today and yesterday for more ideas because ive done 2 days of clean eating and it barely takes any time to prepare.
  • glendacurrin
    glendacurrin Posts: 4 Member
    Drink lots of water. Use Mrs. Dash...comes in lots of flavors. Use "I can't believe it's not butter" cooking spray....0 calories and gives foods a salty taste. Cut out the soft drinks. I was having ankle swelling and did these things and it has helped!