New here

Hello, my name is Cheyenne. I'm 28 years old, and the very proud mother to 3 amazing children, 2 boys aged 10 and 8 (soon to be 9) and a girl who will be 6 at the end of the month. I am happily married to my husband and we've been together for almost 7 years and married 6 1/2 of those years. I am a volunteer firefighter and an EMT of which I love doing but my weight does make it a bit more of a challenge. I am also a medication manager at an assisted living facility.

I've been struggling with my weight since giving birth to my daughter and it's been just a battle I can't seem to win. I'm at my highest weight ever and that is 325lb, and I've gotten as low at 308lb but I gained it all back which discouraged me even more. I'm really trying to lose weight naturally by changing my eating habits and exercising.

I'm hoping to make some friends who are in the same boat as I am and hope to be able to help encourage each other.


  • Chey_Emt407
    Chey_Emt407 Posts: 3 Member
    If you want to add me, for some reason my app on my phone is a different username then on here, must have messed up somewhere but my app that I use on my phone is chey_emt