Work 2 jobs, need to lose 20+ lbs, anyone else?

Life is busy, but that's no excuse to not take care of our bodies. Are you interested in teaming up for support and encouragement?! We're stronger together!!!!


  • vg1276
    vg1276 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm interested! I also need to lose 20lbs and have a full work later load and school load.
  • I'm also interested..I've been seeking to lose 30-40 pounds and have lost 10. I'm Ready to continue losing. I don't work but I'm seeking work
  • sarab920
    sarab920 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Monday, wednesday, and Friday I'm in the gym after my 1st job with my trainer, sundays I'm alone and Tuesdays and Thursdays I work my 2nd job so who knows what time I'm out of there(retail) it's hard because I want to work out but after a 10+ hour work day I just want to rest.
  • takingcareofus
    takingcareofus Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in!
    Totally packed day, logistics make gym impractical. I'd love motivation and to motivate others!
  • 20believe12
    20believe12 Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome!!! This is a great group! I've been been working on cleaning up my diet; eating less processed foods and listening to my body. I've also started doing tabata workouts. They are quick, keep my attention, and burn calories like crazy! You can download an app to keep time. Look up tabata online and create your own 20-30 minute workout! How's everyone else doing?!
  • mebedwell1
    mebedwell1 Posts: 66 Member
    I am working two jobs. I start my day at 4:00 am and head out to work. I work at my first job until 8:00 am then jet off to my second job. I stay at that job until 6:00 pm. I still go work out 4 days a week after work. It usually takes me 2 hours to get a good work out in and then I head home. I have three kids that I do not see on those days. They are asleep in bed when I leave out and asleep in bed when I make it back home. I have not always worked two jobs but have done it in the past. I did not have three kids at that time and I was not working out or eating right. The trick is to get a good support system at home and at work. I am still losing weight, I am exhausted, but I will push though. The more weight I lose, the more energy I have.