I hate myself.

I just started college and put on quite a bit of weight, I just feel like a failure. I know it's possible to lose it, but I'm scared. I wish I could have an accountability partner. I'm just sad.



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It's college! Have fun. Eat a little less, track your calories. You'll lose it again.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i went from 280 to 225 back up to 260 and am certain know how u feel. but i got back down to 195 and it wasnt hard at all. its just about consistency. id be glad to tell u what worked for me. i also got my coworker from 270 to 220
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    I've gained and lost lots of weight throughout school, from up in the 200s several times down to the 160s. I've had a lot of highs and lows, but just keep at it and remember that even at your worst, it can only get better. Keep your head up :)
  • IMustBelieve97
    IMustBelieve97 Posts: 2 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    i went from 280 to 225 back up to 260 and am certain know how u feel. but i got back down to 195 and it wasnt hard at all. its just about consistency. id be glad to tell u what worked for me. i also got my coworker from 270 to 220

    Tel me what what worked for you.
    I've gained and lost lots of weight throughout school, from up in the 200s several times down to the 160s. I've had a lot of highs and lows, but just keep at it and remember that even at your worst, it can only get better. Keep your head up :)

    Thank you for your kind words.
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    Hating yourself isn't useful. Go do something active that you enjoy. Hiking, biking, swimming, whatever. Find some young singles activity groups. There are lots. Go have an adventure.
  • Chantlol
    Chantlol Posts: 4 Member
    I literally feel like I gain the freshman 20 every semester LOL