Rule breakers and rebels wanted!

My opinion is that anyone who is losing weight counting calories is a rule breaker and a rebel. After all, we aren't following the CW (conventional wisdom) that says you need to follow xxx diet plan promoted by some personal trainer or celebrity to lose weight. After all, the general public is "too stupid" to realize that CICO is the way to go. We are bucking trends, losing weight and kicking ***! I consider myself to be on an anti-diet, because I eat what I want (in moderation) when I want and still managed to keep 26 pounds off for the past year. What do you do or not do that would make you a "diet rebel?"


  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    Cheers! I tried the sugar-free diet and kept failing because I would stress-eat all the sugar around and tell myself "Let's try again tomorrow" :smile:

    Now I just eat whatever I want, as long as it's within my calories for the day! Ice cream for dinner? Why not. Just not every day. Diets don't work. CICO is the way to go.
  • TriciaSmith2015
    TriciaSmith2015 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm loving just paying attention to what I consume and the energy I burn. MFP has been good for me so far.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    edited November 2015
    I recently upped my carbs and the weight started coming off. This is opposite of many threads even on mfp. Maybe I'm a special snowflake, too!