45 down, 25 to go, ready to get this last bit off!

Hi everyone! My name is Sara, and I am ready to lose! I did WW for a year and lost my first 45 pounds, got married, and am now feeling sick with 25 to go. I have been using MFP for a few weeks now, but haven't taken advantage of ask if the community features, and would love to work with some like minded people towards our goals. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and have been working very hard to lose weight associated with that. I also suffer from bipolar depression and anxiety, and have my ups and downs, but an generally a very positive person! :) I love to walk, have two dogs, and am an avid reader!


  • RuthieStauffer
    RuthieStauffer Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Sara,
    Cheers to you for sticking with it and staying positive. Sending you positive thoughts for the last 25lbs!
    I love doggies too! I have one and a horse :smile:
    Best of luck to you!
  • sarahlins
    sarahlins Posts: 3 Member
    Wow that's really impressive. Keep at it! You can do it if you set your mind to it. Good luck :)