Needing to lose 30lbs by July-Getting Married!

So I'm posting this for anyone who may want to add me and get to know me so we can support each other while losing weight or whatever you may be doing. I'm getting married informally this month, however the ceremony will be in July which is the cherry on top of a reason for why I want to lose weight. I also want to lose weight to be overall healthier, fit in my jeans, and feel good about how I look, even in boring clothes. Also I've tried losing weight for probably two years, and can never seem to make it past the one month mark. I am strong for about a day or two, then maybe a week or two, but then I get lazy. So this time (like I always say) I will try harder. This time I need to succeed I can't keep getting so lazy :( so if your in the same boat or just want an encouragement buddy add me


  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Since you're looking to lose a relatively small amount, you will probably want to make sure you set your loss goal at .5-1 pound a week.

    Since you have a little over 6 months that's still plenty of time to get there and a smaller goal per week is more doable and won't require drastic calorie cuts to get there that end up making you "hangry".

    Good luck!
  • Hey there I'd love to add you and help you to stay focused :)!
  • gotowardstheroar
    gotowardstheroar Posts: 16 Member
    You need to develop a passion to achieve your objective. What happens after your married? Its easy to say want now go get it.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I've been there too! I'm getting married in February. I do really well the first few weeks then it putters off. However this time I'm working with a trainer at my gym. I've paid a lot of money to train with him and he def challenges me so if I'm not eating pretty well I suck during our gym time and that fact that I shelled out a bunch of cash gets me into the gym everyday even on those days where all I want to do is go home and binge watch Netflix! Find what motivates you that's the key.