Looking for mom friends!

I just turned 30 last week and have two kiddos, a 2 year old daughter and an almost 9 month old son. I have been working on my current (and hopefully last) fitness/health journey for the last 5 weeks and I have lost around 14lbs with another 23 to go until my goal. I feel very dedicated this time and want this to be the last time I have to "start". My husband is doing this with me and we have decided to make this a lifestyle change.

I only have a couple of active MFP friends so I am just looking to make some other friends who are in a similar boat and active around here. I keep my diary open! Please feel free to add me. :)


  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Mom of four here. 12,10,2, and 1. I'm in maintenance focusing now on getting even stronger!
  • zagbee
    zagbee Posts: 40 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Mom of four here. 12,10,2, and 1. I'm in maintenance focusing now on getting even stronger!
    Wow you must stay busy! :)
  • prinsesslolli
    prinsesslolli Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm a brand new mom with a 5 week old.
  • zagbee
    zagbee Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! I'm a brand new mom with a 5 week old.
    What a sweet little squish!
  • junebug_13
    junebug_13 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 3 year old daughter and 5 month old son!! I am trying to start my journey on losing weight!! I have a lot to go :( How do you all stay motivated and find the time to work out?
  • zagbee
    zagbee Posts: 40 Member
    junebug_13 wrote: »
    I have a 3 year old daughter and 5 month old son!! I am trying to start my journey on losing weight!! I have a lot to go :( How do you all stay motivated and find the time to work out?
    I honestly had to really force it in the beginning, but once I started seeing results and feeling better, the motivation came! I am fortunate enough that both of my kids nap at the same time in the afternoon so I usually do a workout then and sometimes I will do it when I first get up in the morning while my husband is still home. If I can't get it done during those times then sometimes I end up putting my little one in the pack n play with some toys and my 2 year old will try and workout with me, but usually gets bored and ends up doing something else.

    I also really enjoy wearing my little one in a baby carrier and we will all go for walks which is really great exercise! He's a chunk so it helps burn more calories lol. :)
  • Mommy of four here youngest is a newborn! I have a weight loss goal of 20 lbs I lost 30 lbs before the baby then gained it all back I am trying to stay on track and not fall back in old ways it's so easy with being home all day and cookign for my husband and kids.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Mom to 3 kids here! Lost 38lbs and another 20 or so to go. :)
  • larlardb8
    larlardb8 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old! I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight but had started heavier than I wanted to be. Would love to lose 30 lbs.
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    i only have one kiddo, a four year old boy :) I just started my weight loss journey last monday, and im down 2.4 pounds! my goal is to drop fourty pounds.. once I hit that goal, i plan on losing more if I ever get there! im hoping..lol feel free to add me!