
Are under control :)

This morning I woke up craving doritios (the devil), I was even considering walking down to the shop and buying some but I totally dropped the idea and got my shape zero yogurt and my water, this feeling is great :)

I know I'll always be craving junk but I'm now able to say NO.

how long did it take you to control your cravings?


  • mjpmark
    mjpmark Posts: 16
    I think cravings depend on the mood your in. If your having a good day etc then you can fight them.. However we all have those bad days where we think, oh stuff it, get the pizza ordered.

    Well done for fighting the urge. Last night was a tough one for me, mega munchies kicked in.
  • X_Bex_X
    X_Bex_X Posts: 14
    thats great!! I know how you feel - I managed to dothat the other week, walking round the shops I normally would've crammed chocolate and crisps into the basket but I didn't...however Friday and the weekend comes around and I lose it! I went a bit mad last night =/ takeout pizza, chocolate , crisps and I feel rubbish now...I have to work on controlling myself during the week

    But thats great, good shot you :D keep up the good work!! I hope to follow in your footsteps! :)