
Ive always struggled for losing weight but ive only gained.ive deficiency of iron which is 6/60 and blood which is 9hb.my routine is not very healthy.blood deficiency made me lazy.i dont know what todo! -.-


  • mbrotnitsky
    mbrotnitsky Posts: 44 Member
    just start- baby steps- change one thing ( a bad habit) just change it! I know its hard I know what it feels like to be sick because you have abused your body. I know what it feels like to walk one block and be out of breath because your too big to move and your legs hurt because they cannot support you anymore. I cried this morning literally cried because I was so angry with myself for allowing me to do this to myself. Then I put my big girl pants on and picked myself up and STARTED my day with a smile in my heart and the determination TO LIVE!!!! JUST START!
  • Dday0829
    Dday0829 Posts: 30 Member
    Work on getting your iron levels up. I gained a lot of weight from anemia. I know it is very hard to exercise when you feel tired from low iron. Work on your diet first. Eat iron rich foods and take a good iron supplement with extra vit c. I took Solgar Hemitinic formula. It takes time. When your iron levels get back to normal, you will have more energy to exercise!