Please help with calories

It says I should be eating I think around 1870 calories a day or something? What does this mean and how do I know how many calories and how much should I be eating? If any of this makes sense. Ahhhh please help me I really wanna shift this weight but this is all so very confusing for me at the moment.

Thank you :)


  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    well its says to eat 1870, you must be earning exercise calories. for example mine is set so i am supposed to eat 1200, then i exercise and burn 300, now it says eat 1500. MFP creates a deficet. saying a 2000 calorie diet is normal, well now it subtracts an amount of calories so you could lose weight, in my case it subtracts 800, leaving me 1200 so because of the deficit built in it now says you o.k., you burned more so eat those back, yes you will still lose weight eating it back, but i don't...i eat just 1200, unless i'm hungry but never go over what thtotal goal is....hope that helps!
  • jengratto
    jengratto Posts: 6 Member
    Your daily calorie goal is set based on your current weight, level of activity, and weight loss goal. When you log in the food you eat, the program will calculate how many calories that is, and let you know how many calories you have left for the day. As Aribear3 mentioned, exercising 'buys' you additional calories since you burned some up by exercising. After you log in your exercise, the program will tell you how many additional calories you can earned. Hope this helps.
  • 13marta
    13marta Posts: 8
    Calories are those numbers listed on nutrional labels on foods. Fresh veggies and that sort do not have nutrional info on them but you can look them up to see their value. You can look up the value of anything to see how many calories something is. Mine says to eat 1200 then it goes up everytime I input my exercise for the day. I try not eat my extra calories. Hope this info helps.