Starting over!

Time to try this again, I lost sight of my goals earlier in the year, and basically gave up. Now I weigh more than I did when I started, and I'm miserable! I have to be strong this time and stick to my plan!


  • rebelq
    rebelq Posts: 64 Member
    I'm with you! Seems like as I get older it so much harder to lose. I'm enjoying walking more, I rescued a dog, and while I might skip exercise for me, I am SO committed that she needs her exercise! :-) Whatever works, right? I'm trying to forget the "lost time" in discouragement and start fresh! Good luck to you!!!
  • CTurquoisedreams
    CTurquoisedreams Posts: 23 Member
    Me too lost 27lbs last Nov- March then fell off the wagon. Gained 19 back by poor choices. Enough is enough
  • fabat52
    fabat52 Posts: 44 Member
    I know how restart goes. I have been on MFP for serveral years and was off and on. However 7 weeks ago yesterday I got back from vacation and weighed myself and got my wake up call. We all have one. That day when finally you realize you need to and are ready to get real and stick to it. That was my day. I am now less then a pound away from having lost 20lbs. I have over 38 lbs more to loose so I still have a ways to go, but this time I'm not stopping for anything.

    Beside just reaching that point of serious commitment I have also found a major difference this time and it is my group of committed friends on MFP. I have a great group now who log daily and go on the news feed and comment and like and just generally support one another. If you don't have a good group I suggest you look for one. If you are committed to logging and supporting friends on news feed feel free to add me. I would be happy to help you along your restart. Either way I wish you a path of commitment support and success.
  • Serenity54smb
    Serenity54smb Posts: 4 Member
    Restarting as well - I lost 9 lbs and regained it all back and a few. My knees hurt, for my health sake - I need to lose this weight. I have 35 lbs to lose. Today - I went to the gym for 1.5 hrs and stayed within the 1200 calories. Nameste to all on this site!
  • Emican2020
    Emican2020 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel your pain. My new years resolution laste yearwas to lose weight and instead I gained weight. I'm so sad and miserable. I need a good support group to help me also. I'd love to have you as a friend and we could support each other.
  • pbm89gt
    pbm89gt Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you all for the words of encouragement!!
  • wjdamsell
    wjdamsell Posts: 7 Member
    looks like I am in the same boat..add me, we can do this :)